Cazzone Posted December 20, 2018 Posted December 20, 2018 @Broken9Itd be best preferred if you didnt post anything else,rather than your application, on this section.Keep that in mind for any future references. Quote
Fugitive Posted December 20, 2018 Posted December 20, 2018 @Smoke40Application points (0/10)Hangaround efforts (2/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (1/10)Total (3/50)~[Denied]~(red)@Floxy / BlackWordApplication points (3/10)Hangaround efforts (4/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (10/50)~[Denied]~(red)@Broken9Application points (5/10)Hangaround efforts (6/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (0/10)Total (11/50)~[Denied]~(red)Not enough effort was put into your Applications and along with your immature attitude in-game, it's obvious Organization Zero isn't the right place for you to be. Quote
Fugitive Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 @RahimMApplication points (1/10)Hangaround efforts (0/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (0/10)Total (1/50)~[Denied]~(red)Loyalty points cannot be given, since you applied for numerous gangs, after your last application for Organization Zero got denied.@FirstRack24Application points (3/10)Hangaround efforts (0/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (6/50)~[Denied]~(red)5 hours in SAES:RPG are nowhere close to being enough, regarding the required experience to join Organization Zero.@QieZZApplication points (7/10)Hangaround efforts (10/10)Voice interview (10/20)Opinions of our members (10/10)Total (37/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Welcome aboard. Quote
Fugitive Posted December 26, 2018 Posted December 26, 2018 @StalinApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (7/10)Voice interview (9/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (27/50)~[Accepted]~(lime) Quote
Fugitive Posted December 29, 2018 Posted December 29, 2018 @f1rstApplication points (5/10)Hangaround efforts (10/10)Voice interview (4/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (24/50)~[Denied]~(red)@xxjougouApplication points (8/10)Hangaround efforts (0/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (12/50)~[Denied]~(red)Do not assign the task of writing your application to someone else next time.@FastYounqApplication points (3/10)Hangaround efforts (0/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (0/10)Total (3/50)~[Denied]~(red)@LeonidasApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (0/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (11/50)~[Denied]~(red) Quote
Fugitive Posted January 3, 2019 Posted January 3, 2019 @RadrickApplication points (5/10)Hangaround efforts (6/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (14/50)~[Denied]~(red)Lack of maturity is obvious, fix your mental issues. Quote
Fugitive Posted January 6, 2019 Posted January 6, 2019 @f1rstApplication points (7/10)Hangaround efforts (10/10)Voice interview (8/20)Opinions of our members (7/10)Loyalty Points (4)Total (36/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Getting denied didn't stop you from putting huge effort to hang-around and assist at any Organization Zero related activity, for the record, welcome aboard. Quote
Fugitive Posted January 7, 2019 Posted January 7, 2019 @IceCreamApplication points (0/10)Hangaround efforts (0/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (0/10)Total (0/50)~[Denied]~(red)I have never seen someone applying for 2 official gangs at the same time. I guess you have your reasons. Do not bother applying again for a month, at least. Also, the fact that you withdrew your appplication for the other gang in short notice does not change anything. Quote
Fugitive Posted January 18, 2019 Posted January 18, 2019 @AdinoxApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (7/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (18/50)~[Denied]~(red)@MarshdellxApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (4/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (13/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Adinox and Marshdellx,Thanks for your time and the effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating both of your applications and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not ready to be part of our Organization yet. The fact that your skillset is advanced from the previous MTA servers youve played has been seen and it's greatly appreciated, however SAES is a different server, with some rules you may have not encountered in the other servers youve been in, thus you are not familiar and cant actually comply with them.Feel free to reapply when you have assured not only us, but also yourselves, that youre complying with the rules that are imposed to everyone in this community. Quote
Fugitive Posted January 22, 2019 Posted January 22, 2019 @PacioliApplication points (8/10)Hangaround efforts (10/10)Voice interview (15/20)Opinions of our members (10/10)Total (43/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Welcome to Organization Zero Mambo Brasileiro.@HataljevApplication points (3/10)Hangaround efforts (4/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (10/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Hataljev,Thanks for your interest in joining Organization Zero, you showed some good qualities in-game that we could work with, however your application and your hangaround efforts towards every Organization Zero member, not only the high ranked ones, could have been better. We expect to see more from you over the upcoming weeks.Feel free to re-apply in at least 14 days. Quote
Fugitive Posted January 29, 2019 Posted January 29, 2019 @AdinoxApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (9/10)Voice interview (10/20)Opinions of our members (8/10)Total (33/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Getting denied didnt discourage you at all, on the contrary your interest and efforts seemed more sincere and you proved us that youre worthy of being part of Organization Zero. Welcome.@nibberblaster69Application points (4/10)Hangaround efforts (5/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (4/10)Total (13/50)~[Denied]~(red)Thanks for your interest in joining Organization Zero. You have some good qualities that we could work with, however we do believe that youre not experienced enough to join our Organization yet.@Mr-SnakeApplication points (2/10)Hangaround efforts (5/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (2/10)Total (9/50)~[Denied]~(red)We are not a second choice gang. Quote
Fugitive Posted February 6, 2019 Posted February 6, 2019 @MrDeathBoyApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (10/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (2/10)Total (18/50)~[Denied]~(red)Thanks for your interest in joining Organization Zero. Feel free to reapply in 8 weeks. Quote
Fugitive Posted February 10, 2019 Posted February 10, 2019 @RadiOApplication points (5/10)Hang-around efforts (7/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (17/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Radio,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not what we are looking for right now. Your loyalty is questionable and your hang-around efforts also would be appreciated if you weren't that annoying. Feel free to re-apply in 4 weeks from now, only if you're sure you've worked on solving the issues stated above.@hoangtienApplication points (1/10)Hangaround efforts (2/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (1/10)Total (4/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Hoangtien,Your application is unacceptable.Hang-around efforts were not shown at all.Feel free to re-apply in 12 weeks.@batya8890Application points (7/10)Hangaround efforts (4/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (14/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Batya,Decent application, as well as in-game attitude.However, your loyalty is questionable. Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks from now and in the meantime try showing yourself more around every Organization Zero member, not only the high-ranked ones. Quote
SidePrime Posted February 11, 2019 Posted February 11, 2019 How i can hang and test voice why u guys afk and sleepingAhh Slappy Quote
Fugitive Posted February 25, 2019 Posted February 25, 2019 @BegriffApplication points (7/10)Hangaround efforts (8/10)Voice interview (14/20)Opinions of our members (8/10)Total (37/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Dear Begriff,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you've got what it takes to be one of us, so, for the record, welcome to Organization Zero.@Jordan23Application points (4/10)Hangaround efforts (8/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (2/10)Total (14/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Jordan,Thanks for your interest in joining Organization Zero. After evaluating your application and your general in-game attitude, we have decided that you're not what we're looking for right now. The use of google translator, in order to fill your application form is obvious, as well as the lack of maturity, which is required if you wish to be part of Organization Zero. Feel free to re-apply in 8 weeks.@grenageApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (5/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (7/10)Total (18/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Grenage,Organization Zero members were satisfied with the qualities that you showed, however, your activity is questionable, hence, we are not sure if we can actually count on you.@BangApplication points (0/10)Hangaround efforts (0/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (0/10)Total (0/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Bang,Thanks for your interest and effort around Organization Zero members. Unfortunately, we cannot evaluate either your application or your in-game attitude, due to the fact that you've registered and played with 3 or 4 different accounts. We are not sure if you're aware that Multi-Accouting is not allowed in SAES:RPG, so we're suggesting you to take a look at that. As soon as you've solved the mentioned issue, feel free to apply once again. Quote
Fugitive Posted March 9, 2019 Posted March 9, 2019 @KaiZakiApplication points (5/10)Hangaround efforts (8/10)Voice interview (9/20)Opinions of our members (8/10)Total (30/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Dear Kaizaki,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, as well as your unique personal will to improve yourself day by day, we have decided that you have to be given a shot. For the record, welcome to Organization Zero. Quote
Fugitive Posted March 11, 2019 Posted March 11, 2019 @HetlerApplication points (1/10)Hangaround efforts (9/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (1/10)Total (11/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Hetler,Thanks for your interest and effort around Organization Zero members. After evaluating your application as well as your general in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not ready to be part of our Organization yet. Lack of experience and questionable loyalty are the main reasons that led us into taking the decision stated above. Hang-around with Zebras, learn from them, improve yourself and feel free to reapply in 4 weeks. Quote
Fugitive Posted March 19, 2019 Posted March 19, 2019 @mrdemonioApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (6/10)Voice interview (13/20)Opinions of our members (8/10)Total (33/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Dear Demonio,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you've got what it takes to be part of our Organization Zero. Welcome aboard.@FastYounqApplication points (5/10)Hangaround efforts (9/10)Voice interview (7/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (26/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Dear Fastyounq,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you have to be given a shot. There are some doubts regarding your loyalty, yet the majority of the members voted for giving you a chance to prove your doubters wrong. Welcome.@SpRaYYYApplication points (4/10)Hangaround efforts (7/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (16/50)~[Denied]~(red)@GopnikApplication points (4/10)Hangaround efforts (7/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (16/50)Dear Spray and Gopnik,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your applications, as well as your general in-game attitude, we have decided that both of you need to prove yourselves more, if you wish to be part of Organization Zero. Show us what you're made of and feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks. Quote
Fugitive Posted March 25, 2019 Posted March 25, 2019 @RadrickApplication points (3/10)Hangaround efforts (7/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (1/10)Total (11/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Radrick,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not what we're looking for. Questionable loyalty, immature attitude, as well as a long record of bans and rulebreaks are the main reasons that led us into taking the decision above. Work on the issues stated and feel free to reapply in 24 weeks.@matrixApplication points (3/10)Hangaround efforts (8/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (5/10)Total (16/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Matrix,Thanks for your interest and effort around Organization Zero members. After evaluating your application as well as your general in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not what we're looking for right now. Problematic attitude and incorrect approach towards the high ranked members of Organization Zero are the reasons that led us into taking the decision stated above. Work on the issues stated and feel free to reapply in 4 weeks.@POCCKYEApplication points (4/10)Hangaround efforts (7/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (4/10)Total (15/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear MarkoRS,Thanks for your interest and effort around Organization Zero members.After thorough discussion and evaluation of your application as well as in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not what we're looking for right now. Unfortunately, we deem that your maturity and experience does not meet our standards. Work on the issue stated, prove us wrong and feel free to reapply in 4 weeks.@FunsteinApplication points (1/10)Hangaround efforts (1/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (1/10)Total (3/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Funstein,Following the rules by the book, we can not proceed into evaluating your application due to the fact that you do not meet one of our Organization'requirements, being at least 15 years old. Quote
Fugitive Posted April 1, 2019 Posted April 1, 2019 @redlive122Application points (8/10)Hangaround efforts (9/10)Voice interview (15/20)Opinions of our members (7/10)Total (38/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Dear Redlive,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you have what it takes to become a Zebra. Welcome to Organization Zero.@bluelive122Application points (5/10)Hangaround efforts (10/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (18/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Nishki,Thanks for your interest and effort around Organization Zero members. After evaluating your application as well as your general in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not what we're looking for right now. Your attitude was problematic but it got fixed since you started being around us. Loyalty is also questionable, due to the fact that the reasons for which you left your previous gangs, did not seem valid to our members. Work on the issues stated and feel free to reapply in 2 weeks.@LeonidasApplication points (3/10)Hangaround efforts (4/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (3/10)Total (13/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Leonidas,Thanks for your interest and effort around Organization Zero members.After thorough discussion and evaluation of your application as well as in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not what we're looking for right now. Unfortunately, we deem that your attitude and your efforts are not what we actually are looking for. Work on the issue stated, prove us wrong and feel free to reapply in 4 weeks.@AmineApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (4/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (7/10)Total (17/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Amine,We are aware of what you can offer to Organization Zero, since you were part of us in the past. However, your activity is questionable, we are not sure if we can actually count on you. Prove us wrong. Quote
Fugitive Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 @GopnikApplication points (5/10)Hangaround efforts (9/10)Voice interview (5/20)Opinions of our members (9/10)Loyalty Points (4)Total (32/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Dear Gopnik,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you have what it takes to become a Zebra. We are pleased with the fact that you did not get discouraged from your previous denial, on the contrary your efforts seemed more sincere and your loyalty has been proven. So, for the record, welcome to Organization Zero.@LandSharkApplication points (2/10)Hangaround efforts (2/10)Voice interview (0/20)Opinions of our members (2/10)Total (6/50)~[Denied]~(red)Dear Landshark,Thanks for your interest and effort around Organization Zero members. After evaluating your application as well as your general in-game attitude, we have decided that you are not what we're looking for right now. Lack of experience is obvious and nowhere close to our requirements. Feel free to re-apply in 4 weeks.Everyone else that applied for us, but did not get his application answered, shall prove himself and be patient. Good luck. Quote
Fugitive Posted April 16, 2019 Posted April 16, 2019 @SprayApplication points (6/10)Hangaround efforts (9/10)Voice interview (5/20)Opinions of our members (9/10)Loyalty Points (4)Total (32/50)~[Accepted]~(lime)Dear Spray,Thanks for your time and effort around Organization Zero members, after evaluating your application and general in-game attitude, we have decided that you've got the elements that are required to become a Zebra. Loyalty,patience and lust to contribute. For the record, welcome to Organization Zero.@DuffApplication points (5/10)Hangaround efforts (10/10)Voice interview (10/20)Opinions of our members (6/10)Total (31/50)~[Accepted]~(lime), for the record.@rufusApplication points (7/10)Hangaround efforts (8/10)Voice interview (10/20)Opinions of our members (10/10)Total (35/50)~[Accepted]~(lime), for the record. Quote
Gengar Posted April 22, 2019 Author Posted April 22, 2019 Quote
Gengar Posted May 17, 2019 Author Posted May 17, 2019 @Fanta your application has been reviewed by Organization Zero HQ team. Application itself is not that good, but it's not that bad either. You missed the point in last question and you have certainly shown lack of experience on server. All which we were ready to let pass if you show yourself in game as a good player and good addition to our gang. However, you failed to meet few requirements in order to join, including: must be active on our Discord server. More to the point, you haven't been hanging with any of our members in game, so no one really got the chance to meet you. Therefore, I regret to inform you that your application is ~[DENIED]~(red). If you are still interested to join us, hang around with Organization Zero members in game, join our Discord server and feel free to reapply in 2 months from now.Regards,Organization Zero HQ team Quote
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