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[LWS-STAFF] Flusha's LWS Events


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Event Name: ~[Four Color]~(red,red) ( ~[RARE EVENT!]~(lime,green,green) ) Explanation: Participants has to run around the colors, they are supposed to run until LWS freezes them randomly. LWS freezes them and we count four colors. And which color has the most players on itself, they are supposed to get kicked. That cycle keeps up until we have winners, in this event there can be 1-4 winners.

Date: 17.06.2019

LWS Helper(s): John

Prize: ~[3.000.000$]~(lime,green,green)

Winner: Jougou

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/B4MHpue

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Event Name: Four Color
Explanation: Participants has to run around the colors, they are supposed to run until LWS freezes them randomly. LWS freezes them and we count four colors. And which color has the most players on itself, they are supposed to get kicked. That cycle keeps up until we have winners, in this event there can be 1-4 winners.

Date: 18.06.2019

LWS Helper(s): Sam

Prize: ~[5.000.000$]~(lime,green,green)

Winner: Vennelle

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/H7y5O07

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will be starting to post events from zero as I am part of LWS from now on-


You are able to see the new format that will be getting used in the future.

-EVENT number-
Event Name:


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