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San Andreas Medics

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Motto: Always there when you need us most



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Joe Valachi, a visionary healthcare entrepreneur, and a philanthropist, was the lone doctor amidst the sea of blood that engulfed the urban island of San Andreas. He would do what no doctor would dare to do; fight the corruption at its heart. Back when there was a medical industry, doctors found that they could not operate in a city that was undersupplied, understaffed, and burdened by violence. But Dr. Valachi stayed to fight the corruption; the corruption of death. He realized that the name of the game was logistics, and that death was winning because of a lack of a logistical infrastructure. Supplies were not simply getting where they needed to be, and medical administrators were ineffective at directing medical personnel to the right places at the right time, if there were even ambulances for them to use that worked. Dr. Valachi addressed the problem at its core; he took over administrative duties for his new enterprise, contracted a dedicated team of mechanics, and built a better infrastructure to supply his paramedics, the life-force of his new hospital. This was the birth of the San Andreas Medics, funded by the lone doctor that vowed to fight the heart of darkness. Dr. Valachi has gambled everything he has to take the fight to death, and he will not rest until death leaves his city of San Andreas.





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The San Andreas Medics (hereinafter SAM) are the first dedicated team of medics on the server; the first responders to virtually every incident. SAMs foremost goal is to provide a fulfilling role-playing experience in conjunction with other emergency service groups. Dr. Valachi is the proprietary owner of several hospitals found around San Andreas that, for all intents and purposes, will service the SAM role-playing in a satisfactory fashion. SAM will bring more role-play to the server, the group hopes, and expects to achieve a strong base of members to become one of the role-playing leaders on the server. Currently, we are the only official medical emergency group in San Andreas based out of San Fierro hospital.








  • SAM Top-Brass




SAM Founder



Joe aka Daryl - heyheuhei



Chief of Medicine <CoM>



JohnnyEnglish - johnnyenglish



Vice Chief <Vc>



Spanish  - lapd0070



Deputy Chief <Dc>



Rieeria - rieeria





  • SAM HQ Team




Head of Air Division <HoA>






Head of EMS Division <HoE>



Linkan - linus111560



Head of SEA Division  <HoS>



Darius - suporter





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    Do not disrespect someone, curse out someone or otherwiseantagonizesomeone in main chat spawned as SAM/using SAM tags.


    Do not ram people and/or vehicles with Ambulance.


    On turf wars, if you are spawned as SAM,you are not allowed to helpin any waymembers of gang you are in.


    Do not use /revive on store robberies or Heal Criminals inside, Don't ever enter the marker of the SR, you can just take your Ambulance and standby.


    DON'T help criminals to escape or even Cops to arrest, you are just standing there inside your ambulance, waiting the injured person to get in.




Failure to comply with any rule can lead to punishment such as demotion or even kick.



To report a SAM member please feel free to PM SAM HQsGriffin or JohnnyEngish with full details about what happened





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SAM Bank amount: Classified
Current Members (Including HQ-Team): 40
Probationary: 9
Honorarymembers: 6
Properties: alot
~[SAM Properties and Vehicles:]~(black) CLICK HERE





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Thanks to SAF for helping in creating that Promo and special thanks to Tut and Frisout.








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On every accident site, there might be a lot of people who have nothing to do with an accident. It is in human nature to observe those kinds of accidents. So, the first thing you are going to do when you arrive on the scene is to make sure everyone is far enough from the victim so the victim can breathe. If the victim is unconscious, you need to make sure they won't choke themselves with their tongue. I am going to explain here the most common causes of accidents.



  • Fall from heights:




In this scenario, most of the times come to broken bones. It doesn't necessarily have to be broken bone, but in most cases, it is.



  • Broken bone case:




If person is conscious, they are in big pain from broken bone and sometimes, they can react in way to hurt themselves even more (for example: broken leg, any movement of that leg can cause damage inside leg; not only risk from bones to attach themselves in wrong way, but also, sharp ends on place where bone is broken can cut through tissue inside leg and make complications). That is reason why upon arrival on scene, you have to secure part of body with broken bone. Ofc you will need to make sure victim is calm enough before you start doing anything, but timing is also important. If bone is not secured within 5 minutes from injury, victim will have to go to surgery. Advantage of unconscious person is that there will be no sudden moves which may cause greater damage to victim. But if person is unconscious, you can't talk to them in order to check for damaged area of body and you'll have to notice signs on body yourself. After bone is secured, victim needs to be transported to nearest hospital so doctors can precisely fix position of bones and place plaster which victim will have to ware at least 4 weeks, but it can take longer (depends on level of injury). In case of spine and/or neck injury, keep in mind that if both neck and body of person aren't secured, any kind of movement can cause permanent paralysis or even death. I didn't mention anything about bleeding wounds here because they are explained in next case.



  • No broken bones case:




If person didn't break any bone from fall, or didn't have any head injuries, medics can take care of victim on scene of accident. You need to stop bleeding from all open wounds by pressing them with gauze. When you stop bleeding, wound needs to be cleaned from all dirt. After that, you need to put gauze or bandages around wound to prevent any infection. In case of hurt ankle, put bandages around ankle to secure it which will make recovery faster. After all this is done, person can be sent home for house nursing (3 to 4 days, 2 weeks in case of hurt ankle).



  • Head injury case:




Head is part of body which keeps our brain safe and any serious injury to head can be lethal. When we are talking about falls from heights on head, we are talking about serious head injuries. If skull is cracked, you need to secure it immediately. You must stop any internal bleeding because if blood starts covering brain, person dies.



  • Car crashes:




When it comes to traffic accidents, you will need police or fire department to close accident site before you can take care of victim. Usualy, car crash brings complications of reaching victim (twisted car, victim stuck in/under car, car on fire and about to explode,...). That's why you need to have 1 fire department unit ready to go when going on accident site. When you can reach victim, you need to get them out of vehicle, but keep in mind all injuries victim might have. It is already explained in Falls from heights how to treat broken bones and bleeding wounds. Neck and spine injuries are common in traffic accidents. If car is on fire, you need to treat victim as burn victims (I am not going to explain this, you should have answered that question in your application). Also, traffic accidents mostly include multiple victims, so you need to work fast, starting from treating people who have worse injuries to those with lighter injuries. In case car with victims fall in water, you will need divers team ready. In most traffic accidents, victims will need to be transported in hospital as soon as possible, so make sure they are secured before transporting.



  • Weapon injuries:




When person is injured by weapons, they needs to be transported to hospital as soon as possible. In those kind of injuries, it is not rare that victim needs blood transfusion.



  • Cold weapons injuries:




When it comes to injuries from sharp cold weapons (like knife), there are open wounds and lot of blood. Wound area needs to be cleaned, bleeding needs to be stopped and in some situations, wound needs to be sewed.



Other type of cold weapons include weapons which are used to hit someone (like baseball bat). These weapons mostly don't cause any open bleeding wounds, but they cause internal bleeding and could cause some broken bones. It is already explained how to treat those injuries.



  • Firearms injuries:




In order to remove bullet from body, surgery is needed regardless the injury. Whatever you do, do not remove bullet at scene of accident. Only stop bleeding and transport victim to hospital for surgery.



  • Accidents in forests:




This is not that often, but since we do have people who enjoy going in woods for hunting/fishing, or just walking on fresh air, you should know how to treat some of injuries. In case victim needs to be transported to hospital, you will have no use of ambulance since most of woods are unreachable. You will need to use helicopter to get there and to get victim to hospital. Hanging in woods can be nice and it is healthy, but woods can also be very dangerous. There can be falls from high falls (which is already explained), falling in water, attacked by some animals,...



  • Falls in water:




In case victim fall in water, you need to arrive as quick as possible. Person can be unconscious with face in water. Since person is unconscious, body is relaxed and floating on surface, but couple of seconds can decide between life and death. After you receive a call, you need to instruct person who called you to extract victim from water and to make sure victim is breathing. Explain them how to perform CPR if victim is not breathing and get to scene as fast as possible. Victim can get hypothermia if they are too long in water. They can also have open bleeding wounds and fall in dirty water. You need to make sure you are equipped for all that. These kind of victims mostly can get treated on scene of accident and sent on house nurse for couple of days.



  • Bite from animal:




When victim is bitten by animal, it can cause infection in most cases. That's why it is needed to stop blood circulation from bite point to heart and clean wound. Blood circulation, however, can't be stopped for too long because part of body will not get enough blood to function normally and it will start to die out. If that happens, person needs to amputate dead part of body immediately. Victim will need to be transported in hospital in most cases to sew wounds.



In case person is only attacked by animal and have scratches from animals clutches, you only need to clean wound and take person to hospital for sewing those wounds.



  • Bite from poisonous animal:




Only insects and snakes have venom in our woods. It is rare that someone is bitten by snake and most insects don't have enough venom to make anything serious to humans (unless victim is allergic to specific insect).



If insect bites person for tongue, or inside of throat, venom is strong enough to make tongue swell and block air between mouth and lungs, and lungs and brain. In that situation, you need to threat victim on scene of accident because you don't have time to bring victim to hospital (victim can consider themselves lucky if you arrive to them on time). You need to cut small hole in lower part of throat so air can come in lungs, but you need to be careful when doing that. One wrong slice and you left victim permanently speechless, or even dead. after successful slice, put small tube in whole you made so victim don't choke in their own blood. You need to cool off bitten area in order for swelling to fall down. Victim will need to be transported in hospital and spend few days there.



In case of snake bite, blood circulation from wound to heart needs to be blocked and victim needs to get antidote as soon as possible. If you don't have antidote, you need to find a way to suck venom out of victims blood. In most cases, victim doesn't have to go to hospital.



  • Surgery:




Sometimes, the victim needs to be operated. It is important to perform a few tests before surgery to see if the patient can survive the surgery. When on the operating table, the patient needs to be given anesthesia. After that, use the knife to open part of the body you are operating. Monitor vital signs on monitors which show patients blood pressure, heart rate,... After a successful operation, make sure you haven't forgotten anything inside the patient and close part of the body you opened. The patient will need to spend a few days up to a few weeks in hospital in order to recover.








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    All Victims are to be treated with care and respect


    Allvictimsare to be brought to the appropriate hospitals


    All victims are to be transported quicklyANDsafely






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Media archive for Official SAM Members





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Best Regards & Wishes,
SAM HQ Team.





Updated by: Rieeria on Monday,16/01/23



New designs thanks to @DyamDouglas


Edited by Darius
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