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Central Events Organization || Media Archive


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Welcome to the Official Media Archive Of Central Events Organization, Only CEO members are allowed to post here, do not post here if you are not part of CEO. Here you will be able to find our events activities.
Link to the official Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/2168/central-events-organization
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We have two type of activities,

  1. : On activity

  2. : Event Hosting activity

On Activity Format
[Activity #Number]
Screenshot :
Event Hosting Activity
[Event Helped #Number]
Event Type :
CEO Helpers :
Event Hosted for and by :
Screenshots :
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Events Format
[Event #Number]
Event type :
Event Prize :
Event Winner :
Event Screenshots :

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[Event Helped #1]
Event Type : 1v1 Sniper
CEO Helpers : [CEO]Seth, [CEO]MrThomas and [CEO]Arone (Thanks to Brazz for hosting adverting our event)
Event Hosted for and by : Hosted for : Overdose Crime | Hosted by : MrThomas
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/dM8xysn

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[Event Helped #2]
Event Type : Chicken Shooter
CEO Helpers : [CEO]Seth , [CEO]MrThomas, [CEO]xDarkman and [CEO]Arone
Event Hosted for and by : Event hosted for : CMC | Hosted by : Jamal
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/0eobZUP

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[Event Helped #3]
Event Type : The floor is lava (Founded by CEO)
CEO Helpers : [CEO]Seth , [CEO]Andre and [CEO]Arone
Event Hosted for and by : Event hosted for : BBMC | Hosted by Ismaken
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/5KlebSS

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[Event Helped #6]
Event Type : Chicken Shooters
CEO Helpers : [CEO]Seth, [CEO]MrThomas and [CEO]Arone
Event Hosted for and by : Hosted for : DZTG| Hosted by : Netro
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Q8xiMjg

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[Event Helped #11]
Event Type : Fish Nader
CEO Helpers : [CEO]@Seth , [CEO] @hope , [CEO-H] Lily and [CEO-H] @Filex

Event Hosted for and by : Hosted for ThC and by Zodic
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Qxr1BWH

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[Event #14]
Event type : Chicken Shooter
CEO/LWS/G6 : [CEO]Lily [CEO]MrThomas [CEO-H]Zizou (as medic)
Event Prize : 1 million
Event Hosted By: Hosted By OC and by Shadowz
Event Winner : BlueZ>Snake
Event Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/qI7eelK

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