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Donation Rondaw (Amount 30:00 Gbp )


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TXN ID: 4UJ91112H27991609

Donation Amount: 30.00GBP

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@Brophy could you kindly confirm?

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1- I wanna remove my shamal wrap here and add wrap clo1 to my infernus here

2- i wanna add hacker wrap to my super gt here. ~[(5GBP)]~(lime)

3- i wanna change my Glendale car to stratum & add wrap weed to it. ~[(5GBP)]~(lime)
4- i wanna have new damaged glendale car (location can be shown ingame) ~[(10GBP)]~(lime) with new wrap ~[(10GBP)]~(lime)

  • Request of new wrap:https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/138

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Thanks for donating!

  • Shamal wrap removed and instead replaced for clo1 to his Infernus.

  • Hacker wrap added to his SGT

  • Damaged Glendale vehicle replaced for a Stratum and weed wrap added to it.

  • Damaged Glendale added to his property "1 Biff Street" but ~[the wrap is pending to be added.]~(yellow)

  • 3 million rewarded.

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