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[SUGGESTION] More Convenient to RP


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Alright, so today I logged into SAES and a few criminals voiced their opinions in regards to SAFP not RPing anymore. Squads and gangs in general, pretty much.

I've been thinking of a system that would encourage RP and would make it beneficial for everyone.

The main reason I believe that people don't RP is because there's no need for it. The secondary reason for no RP is usually because it takes too long or it's not done properly.

I have a solution for the first part, and ultimately the second part would be for squad HQs and gang HQs to fix.

Here it is:

I believe that the reason why there's no RP is because there's no reason to do it, unless you enjoy it or are feeling in the mood for it. This kind of counters itself because cops tend to assume no one is going to RP so why even offer it?

The way I would like to solve this is mainly by making money more valuable.

IF SAES decided to deduct money from squad / gangs each time someone spawned with weapons, this would make money more valuable.

I believe criminals would be more hesitant to go all out in shooting police officers because they would risk jail time ( which reduces the amount of ammunition you have) or they would die and go to the hospital (also reduces weapon ammunition) or die and respawn (gang would have to pay for new weapons).

This would also mean that it would be more beneficial for police officers to team up and use tactics more often.

BASICALLY all this does is make ~[EVERYONE]~(red) in SAES value their life more. Eventually, respawning all the time would cost way too much money for anyone.

This would put squads / gangs money to good use instead of just being used for level up rewards.

Now, the only issues in this would be that there's a lot of people who have tons of money. Eventually, I believe this would sort itself out.

OR SAES Could possibly offer some special items in-game (such as special vehicles) that would be overly expensive so that those who have the money would be recognized but would hopefully even out the playing field.

I've also had people say that some people enjoy the DMing in-game. For those I would suggest for you to go to the designated DM areas such as LV Stadium, purchase a ticket, and team up against each other.

OR Join OB and fight against SAFP.

OR defend the jail while you're jail breaking.


I would like to see what everyone else has to say about this. I would also like to tag @NanoBob @Brophy @kenny @Ronseal . I apologize if you guys believe this is a bad reason to tag ya'll. I only do so with the best of intentions.


~[San Andreas Federal Police Vice Leader]~(navy)
~[SAI HQ]~(blueviolet)
~[PC Tester]~(blue)

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You got it for the most part @Bartman . I dont believe it would be considered forcing though. It would be encouraging. As the title states it would be more convenient for you to RP. It doesnt mean you have to. You could always buy guns yourself or give back to your squad for your DMing ways.

What I am trying to enforce is the RPG aspect of the server.

Back when I joined in 2012 or 13 I was amazed by this server because it was exactly what I was looking for. RP was happening and the few times there was DMing going on, it was so very enjoyable.

Those cops who wanted in on the action would go to SRs or jail. Those who wanted something more like RP would patrol the highways or the streets.

I get it, times are changing. Maybe it is time to let go. I just really hate to do so.

I guess Im done with it for now. At least I tried!

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The reason why people don't RP and instead arrest and commit crimes is stats and money. If you arrest someone you'll be rewarded with money and +1 arrest in stats. If you kill somebody you will be rewarded 1+ kill in your stats and the same thing goes for SR and other stuff. When you roleplay you're not gaining anything unless you're having fun which not a lot of people do. I believe instead of deducting money from the S/G, we should add some sort of reward to roleplaying. Because your suggestion is basically forcing everyone to value their life and not everyone wants to roleplay.

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@KrugeR said in [SUGGESTION] More Convenient to RP:

The reason why people don't RP and instead arrest and commit crimes is stats and money. If you arrest someone you'll be rewarded with money and +1 arrest in stats. If you kill somebody you will be rewarded 1+ kill in your stats and the same thing goes for SR and other stuff. When you roleplay you're not gaining anything unless you're having fun which not a lot of people do. I believe instead of deducting money from the S/G, we should add some sort of reward to roleplaying. Because your suggestion is basically forcing everyone to value their life and not everyone wants to roleplay.

@SAFP-Stone this ^^
++ making dc channel for rp people = rp people knows other rp people = more rp for people wich likes rp.

aaand 2013 was more DM tollerated than nowdays btw, many people actually preffered saes because saes was not like other strict rp server where you was forced to do drive licence to be able to drive cars & other booring shit

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