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Quality's Reward Change

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Part I:

How much have you donated for the sever? 60GBP

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 6 days ago.

Why do you need this change? my vehicles get bugged in /dvm then dissapear.

Links to your donation topics:
saesrpg. uk/community/topic/94127-donationquality-amount-1000-gbp/
saesrpg. uk/community/topic/94074-donationquality-amount-3000-gbp/

Links to your previous donation changes requests:
saesrpg. uk/community/topic/94239-qualitys-reward-change/
saesrpg. uk/community/topic/95250-qualitys-donation-change/
saesrpg. uk/community/topic/97037-qualitys-reward-change/


Part II: What I Want to be Removed

Audi (it's gone from /dvm as well as in-game physically)


Part III: What I Want to be Added

Picadoor instead of Audi

Username: quality
Interior: N/A

I'm aware there has to be a 30 day for another request change but since my shit is bugged and you'll fix it anyway, can you swap the audi with a picadoor? thank you!

also my 2nd stuntplane which was added earlier is also gone from /dvm.

The only thing i have in dvm is my cheetah & first stuntplane.

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