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Dear people of SAES,

The moment you all thought would never happen (Yes you did, do not deny it), has actually happened today. Our superior organisation, which was seen as not so superior, or better said inferior, by some organisations (not naming any but they will know themselves), has reached the age of three. Now you think, that is not so special, well, we cannot help that we were not founded earlier.

To celebrate this beautiful birthday, we would like to go back in time and reflect on a couple of events. From the magnificent bank robbery with the man that shall not be named, to the drama events with a particular person from the female gender, we have had some dramatic situations in the past. Not to forget, that one specific camelish person, has literally tried to copy our entire existence. And if you thought that was insane, then how about this. Imagine, you are a great organisation with an activity of at least 15 people at certain times. You log out at 12 am midnight because you would like to go to sleep like a normal person. But then, you wake up and log in at 1 pm, and you see that you were turfed at 5 am in the morning by people living in Europe. Well, that kind of dedication ladies and gentlemen comes from our lovely enemies and dear leader who shall not be named. Did we already mention that we were demoted once as well? I guess we will leave it at that.

Now that we have RTX turned on, we shall continue with some matters that were actually fun! On the first day of our second year, we managed to get an activity of 39 people at the same time, and today, on our third anniversary, we managed to get another 37 as well. Of course, these are just numbers, all of these people are part of The Company, an organisation that stands for having fun, doing activities, and even becoming friends with certain people at some point. We had never thought, three years ago that our organisation would survive for that long and turn into such a huge community with over 1200 Discord members and around 100 in-game members, making us the biggest Discord community from any organisation in SAES. Also, we are proud that we managed to inject activity back into some events such as gang robberies and turfs at some point. This has all resulted into The Company that you see in the server today.

Great, now that we have got rid of that information and thrown it out into the beautiful world of SAES:RPG, we would like to thank our lovely allies, friends, enemies, and whatever you may call yourself, for the continuous support towards our beautiful organisation.

As last, do not forget: ''Soon means soon. Not right at this very second''.

Best regards,

The Members of the Board of Directors of The Company
Thing, Adistar, Killer, Adway, hRL, Swiggity, and Reggi

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^[Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/eRwWpZ]


18-04-2018 i still remember that day like if it was yesterday, a poor f2lx hanging around a gang in an mta server not knowing that it will one of the most important stations in his life, probably the company is just a normal gang in an mta server but it was more than that for me, a place where i learnt a lot, a place where i cried, a place where i laughed, a place where i met some awesome creatures like @Adistar and @Adway and a place that i love so much, i wanna thank ThC for all these great moments, for all these great memories that i tear everytime i remember them.

a picture of me camping the old sf base as pilot

and a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAsegPAGE2s

sadly my archive of screenshots is on my other hard disk which isn't with me now

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