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TXN ID: 0XK62771TR931062H

Donation Amount: 30.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

I also have donated 20 on the old forum, so currently on a total of 50 pounds. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/11996-haas/

Vehicle 1
Vehicle Type: Freeway
Vehicle Colour: Black
Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself
Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes
Where you want it placed: At my house next to SoA base

Vehicle 2
Vehicle Type: Kart
Vehicle Colour: Black
Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself
Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes
Where you want it placed: Somewhere around SoA base

Vehicle 3
Vehicle Type: Flatbed
Vehicle Colour: Black
Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself
Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes
Where you want it placed: Somewhere around SoA base

Vehicle 4
Vehicle Type: Forklift
Vehicle Colour: Black
Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself
Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes
Where you want it placed: Somewhere around SoA base

Vehicle 5
Vehicle Type: Mower
Vehicle Colour: Black
Specify any upgrades: I'll do it ingame myself
Usernames to lock: kaaskoekjes
Where you want it placed: At my house next to SoA base

I'd also like large interior 19 in my house right next to SoA base.

  • 3m :)

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