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TXN ID: 0C6235242W189912F

Donation Amount: 20.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: Infernus
Vehicle Colour: #005550
Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD, Nitro x10
Usernames to lock: 6770656
Where you want it placed:


Spoiler Text


Vehicle Type: Glendale Shit ( Modded Pantiac)
Vehicle Colour: #36195c
Specify any upgrades:V8, AWD, Nitro x10
Usernames to lock: 6770656
Where you want it placed:


Spoiler Text


For any help with rewards, please check this topic.


Infernus placed at Cripz pier locked to 6770656
Pontiac placed at Cripz pier locked to 6770656

Added to donator group in server and forums. You can tune drive and engine type at modshop for free, granted you're member of donator group.
I'll leave your other donation thread open so that you can request interiors if you like :+1:

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