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Well, it's one of my first times doing a topic by myself, it's also my first time actually requesting an idea that I think it'll be useful.

Well, before I start, I'd like to give my opinion about the new thing added, probably talking about "Killing-Arrest" in BRs' and JBs'. As I'm in an Official Squad, also been in the Police Team for 340 hours and more (I'm having 345 hours), I'm totally against that. Goddamn it, who thought that this is actually a good idea and a thing that would make the game more realistic? I know that the crims are actually a lot, and when a jail is full and a jb happens, they can be unstoppable, but still, if the Police team is good enough, they'd figure out something to actually shut down the JB or the BR. Even with the -50% of their jail time, which is okay, the Police Officers can "farm" money just like that, without even being that good. I've read a post (I think it was from ThC Member, but I might not be remembering right), the guy there stated, that it's not inappropriate and the reward per arrest for the cops should be 25% or even lower than the actual reward. Well, to that, I'd add -80% for the jailed criminals during JB and BR, if none gets the idea how unrealistic and unskillful is that new update with the killing-arrest. As I stated, people that aren't even good enough can farm kills, arrests and money just from a simple JB. Also, in a massive JB, which happens a lot, a lot of times in one day, per one JB, you can get like 500k if you're a cop. God, what the hell, it can be even more in a BR, after the Criminals get their bags with money. Now, as I stated multiple times, thats unrealistic and dumb. Though, if you'd like to keep it like that, please get to read the idea I've written up there with the changes of the time spent in the prison and the reward for the cops.

Now, I'd like to begin with the idea, which I feel like none will actually support.
So, as it's known, the number of the Criminals and Cops that actually Roleplay is low, and it's getting even lower. Isn't that a RPG Server? A Server that the players should act like it's real life (RP)? That's dying, none is roleplaying nowadays, which will ruin the fun of the people that are actually here to have some fun and roleplay, instead of going in and just shooting, killing, arresting and doing nothing else, I agree, that's fun, but there must be a roleplaying part, instead of the whole server being a total chaos, everyone chasing each other, and doing the 3 actions I stated. My idea is to actually change that.

So, I'll talk only about the Police Team and the Squads.
My idea is to add a rule, or that kind of stuff, that will not allow the Squads, Police Groups (partys) and so on to NOT RP. Now, that's where it gets messy. No, I don't want to make every Squad roleplay, of course not, there are people that love the action and want nothing else, but arresting, which is okay, as long as the "idea" of mine is being followed. So, all squads that don't RP shouldn't patrol. (im feeling the salt in the posts down the topic already). Why they shouldn't patrol? Because it's not realistic and fair 20 officers to go in and arrest 1 criminal without any reason, or just because he is wanted. Now, let me clear up everything though with examples.
Those NON - RPing squads will only be allowed to answer to BR calls, SR calls, Emergency calls, (user that did /911 and is in need of police units) and of course JBs. Also, NON - RPing squads are allowed to chase criminals if they see a criminal sneaking out of the jail and running towards a car. Now, what if the Criminal successfully ran away, without a Police unit seeing him? Now, that's all up to 1 simple thing, if someone bothered using the radio, stating the name of the Criminal that ran away, so the NON - RPing squads can quickly take action and chase him, in that case, they are fully allowed to chase and use force on the running suspect without roleplaying. All NON - RPing squads are also allowed to take action in pursuits and to help out the Police Officers that are being unable to chase a criminal on their own. For the NON - RPing squad to actually take action and get in that pursuit and use force, the radio should be used, or /911 should be done, so the NON - RPing officers can get there and use force on the needed criminal.

Now, why the NON - RPing officers shouldn't patrol? It isn't realistic. The idea of the Server is Roleplay. Even more, how is 1 wanted criminal supposed to do a thing against 4-5 police officers in a car, as all of them don't rp? He can't do shit, simple as that.

To support my idea, I'll give a real life example. Have you ever seen Spec. Police Forces (In every country they're under different name) to patrol around the streets, as they're fully armored? Nope, you haven't. Those Spec. Forces are answering to special cases, which in SAES are BRs, JBs and SRs and as I stated up there, some other actions.

I know my idea won't get that much of a support, but I think that'll be awesome to actually revive the roleplay in the Server. As an end, I know it'll come to the point that all of the Trainees won't be able to do shit, because they're new to the server, but that's okay, isn't it? They're still learning. The topic is regarding probably PCs' and Official Squads. As for the gangs, I'm pretty sure almost all of them are able to roleplay, so that idea should be accepted by them, even more, it will allow the Server to get more and more realistic.

I hope you all read everything I wrote, thanks if so.
Please state your opinions about it.


I didnt read everything what you wrote but, i did read half, I have same opinion with you. The new system known as "kill arrest" is suck because police team are too enough for criminals. 20 cops in the server even can be enough for provide the security around of SA. Also its not realistic, in real life polices are not doing this.


Thats RPG server as you mentioned, not RP. I fully disagree with your idea.
If you even try to RP with people ( Ive been trying when I was SAFP and now as SAI ), they dont really stop to RP in 80% of cases. So why shall I drive and try to RP with them if they dont give a single fuck?
If someone wants to RP that much, he should go and play SAMP RP servers.

And there is special section for suggestions where you were supposed to post it


@niceez said in An idea for the Police Team.:

Thats RPG server as you mentioned, not RP. I fully disagree with your idea.
If you even try to RP with people ( Ive been trying when I was SAFP and now as SAI ), they dont really stop to RP in 80% of cases. So why shall I drive and try to RP with them if they dont give a single fuck?
If someone wants to RP that much, he should go and play SAMP RP servers.

And there is special section for suggestions where you were supposed to post it

Yes, it is a RPG Server, that's right, though does that mean everyone should be a Criminal or a Police and simply get in and kill, arrest and shoot everywhere? Thinking like that, the Server should be renamed to "Cops vs Criminals". Well, if not giving opportunity to the people that actually want to RP in that Server, well most likely that's what they will do, they'll move in some other servers.

Also, sorry for posting the topic in a wrong section, I hope an admin will move it in the right one.


Like Niceez said , this is SAES:RPG not SAES:RP , hence RP is a feature but isnt forced , and like u said trainees wont be able to do anything and that will get them bored and we will lose potential community members. If SAES starts to force RP then we will lose many players think about it, even if u force RP not all are going to stop and everytime they get wanted do you think they will be willing to RP and if they dont follow the rule of force RP then they will get punished?
Also its RP itself what happens in SAES right now like in real life when a COP tries to pull over someone not always do they comply and hence get chased down by the cop and arrested.
In JB and BR u see earlier it was a bit unfair for cops as the main objective of cops are to arrest and in JB and BR they used to try arrested more 10+ crims who camp corridors with m4 and combat shotguns and now the kill arrest is actually good , not to mention the criminal who got kill arrested gets lower jail sentence and cops get paid less and if u look at it the number of cops in server is lower than criminals almost at given time of the day .
And if you are going to give your opinion then there will be people who will agree or disagree to your opinion and u need to handle the responses because you decided to state your opinion so please dont write things like (im feeling the salt in the posts down the topic already).


You can say that its not a RP server etc, but the kill arrest script is still unrealistic as fuck. I'd rather see instant arrest tazers back in BRs and JBs instead of kill arrest, like back in the days.


@barry-allen said in An idea for the Police Team.:

Like Niceez said , this is SAES:RPG not SAES:RP , hence RP is a feature but isnt forced , and like u said trainees wont be able to do anything and that will get them bored and we will lose potential community members. If SAES starts to force RP then we will lose many players think about it, even if u force RP not all are going to stop and everytime they get wanted do you think they will be willing to RP and if they dont follow the rule of force RP then they will get punished?
Also its RP itself what happens in SAES right now like in real life when a COP tries to pull over someone not always do they comply and hence get chased down by the cop and arrested.
In JB and BR u see earlier it was a bit unfair for cops as the main objective of cops are to arrest and in JB and BR they used to try arrested more 10+ crims who camp corridors with m4 and combat shotguns and now the kill arrest is actually good , not to mention the criminal who got kill arrested gets lower jail sentence and cops get paid less and if u look at it the number of cops in server is lower than criminals almost at given time of the day .
And if you are going to give your opinion then there will be people who will agree or disagree to your opinion and u need to handle the responses because you decided to state your opinion so please dont write things like (im feeling the salt in the posts down the topic already).

You obviously haven't read all of my post. I stated that the Trainees will be still learning and in the end, I said that that topic is probably regarding the Official Squads and the PC, but not the Trainees, as we all know they're not capable of roleplaying. Well, at least most of them. I really can't understand what you meant to say with that. "italicised text Also its RP itself what happens in SAES right now like in real life when a COP tries to pull over someone not always do they comply and hence get chased down by the cop and arrested."

Of course 90% of the cops will defend the new update about the killing-arrest. Though, as I said, this lets the cops "farm" money, kills and arrests count which isn't realistic or fair.
Though, thanks for your opinion.


@cappo said in An idea for the Police Team.:

Goddamn it, who thought that this is actually a good idea and a thing that would make the game more realistic?
Also, in a massive JB, which happens a lot, a lot of times in one day, per one JB, you can get like 500k if you're a cop. God, what the hell, it can be even more in a BR, after the Criminals get their bags with money.

Kill-arrest script got into the server with purpose. TO BALANCE COP SIDE AND CRIM SIDE. If you are trying to be realistic, then go to RP server. Most of the things on SAES are not realistic, but who cares, we're here to have fun and enjoy.

So, as it's known, the number of the Criminals and Cops that actually Roleplay is low, and it's getting even lower. Isn't that a RPG Server? A Server that the players should act like it's real life (RP)?

There's a difference between RPG Server and RP Server.

So, all squads that don't RP shouldn't patrol. (im feeling the salt in the posts down the topic already).
Why they shouldn't patrol? Because it's not realistic and fair 20 officers to go in and arrest 1 criminal without any reason, or just because he is wanted. Now, let me clear up everything though with examples.

You are 100 % right here. But don't forget it's still RPG (not fully RP server, where every action taken should be like in real life).

Those NON - RPing squads will only be allowed to answer to BR calls, SR calls, Emergency calls, (user that did /911 and is in need of police units) and of course JBs. Also, NON - RPing squads are allowed to chase criminals if they see a criminal sneaking out of the jail and running towards a car.

This is realistic yeah, but the fun for Official Squads is ruined here, since they can't do a shit but just wait.

Now, why the NON - RPing officers shouldn't patrol? It isn't realistic. The idea of the Server is Roleplay. Even more, how is 1 wanted criminal supposed to do a thing against 4-5 police officers in a car, as all of them don't rp? He can't do shit, simple as that.

This is where fun begins, and where criminals starts raging xD.

To support my idea, I'll give a real life example. Have you ever seen Spec. Police Forces (In every country they're under different name) to patrol around the streets, as they're fully armored? Nope, you haven't. Those Spec. Forces are answering to special cases, which in SAES are BRs, JBs and SRs and as I stated up there, some other actions.

It's realistic, but still RPG and not RP Server.

I know it'll come to the point that all of the Trainees won't be able to do shit, because they're new to the server, but that's okay, isn't it? They're still learning.

Trainees aren't learning a shit, trainees will be always trainees unless they join SAPA or any other official squad where they spend quite some time

Please state your opinions about it.

It's nice to see that someone actually cares for the server, but you'll definitely not succed changing it alone. The ways you wrote above are pretty much realistic, but 3/4 of the community will not accept those ways. I believe back in the time, people were roleplaying 10x more than nowadays. So, if you wanna have things involved with real life, join the fully RP server.


@ramos said in An idea for the Police Team.:

It's realistic, but still RPG and not RP Server.

So, if you wanna have things involved with real life, join the fully RP server.

So what are roleplay groups for then? Aren't they here to simulate real life?

RPG and RP are pretty much the same thing, the Role-Play term is still there, we're just more action based and less strict/heavy rolepayers, but that doesn't mean he needs to leave to another server to do so, people unite like happened on Fort Carson RP to do these, and that was just great stuff to see rather than the typical server stuff.

I'd personally prefer to roleplay here with the ones that like to do so than having to go into another server where I know nobody and I don't get what I'd be searching. But here's where the problem comes, most people prefer not to do a minimum of roleplay.

Also I don't know why you put italicised text but yeah, don't worry I'm sure they didn't teach you at school the correct use, definitely.
Not trying to be rude here, we all make mistakes.


Thanks to Combine for pretty much clearing everything. I was about to say that RPG and RP are also pretty much the same thing, they are RP based, though RPG is for "extreme" and not that strict of a RP. Now, I'd like to say that i'm not that much of roleplayer myself, but everyday I see people that actually want to roleplay, but they don't have the oportunity.

Now, the term of roleplaying for the other Squads that actually roleplay won't be changed, they'll offer roleplay and if the suspect is running, they'll start chasing him and if neeeded, they'd call the NON - RP squads by either using the radio or doing /911. Though, there's not a "must" in roleplaying, none will get warned and this shouldn't be added as a role, but this will make the server look more realistic. I don't want to get the action out of the server and make everyone roleplay, thats impossible and pretty much boring, though bringing some fresh roleplays should be nice.

Also, already 3 people said stuff like "Go play in RP Server", now imagine 50 active players of those 150 people in the server leave, because they can't get the ooportunity to RolePlay. As I said, if we don't roleplay at least a bit, the Server will change into "Red vs Blue" or "Criminals vs Police" as those are the only 2 roles that are interesting.


@combine said in An idea for the Police Team.:

@ramos said in An idea for the Police Team.:

It's realistic, but still RPG and not RP Server.

So, if you wanna have things involved with real life, join the fully RP server.

So what are roleplay groups for then? Aren't they here to simulate real life?

RPG and RP are pretty much the same thing, the Role-Play term is still there, we're just more action based and less strict/heavy rolepayers, but that doesn't mean he needs to leave to another server to do so, people unite like happened on Fort Carson RP to do these, and that was just great stuff to see rather than the typical server stuff.

I'd personally prefer to roleplay here with the ones that like to do so than having to go into another server where I know nobody and I don't get what I'd be searching. But here's where the problem comes, most people prefer not to do a minimum of roleplay.

Also I don't know why you put italicised text but yeah, don't worry I'm sure they didn't teach you at school the correct use, definitely.
Not trying to be rude here, we all make mistakes.

They're not exactly the same thing. RP Server is fully based on real life acts while RPG Server is not. You won't see SWAT patroling around on the roads on RP Server, join one and see.
So, on RPG Server roleplay can happen randomly, or you simply plan one to do it.
On RP Server, there's none on the server who would plan it,..
Here at SAES which is obviously RPG, you clearly see that. Here is when we come to realism.
And @Cappo do you really expect NON-RP squads like SWAT waiting for a callouts (SR,BR,PBR,JB) at base? I don't think so. SAES is created and developed the way it is now, and you won't change much things on it within roleplaying.
I told you to join another server, if you want FULLY RP acts. Instead of suggesting your solutions, you'll have to find out another way how to keep RPs on the server, get admin's support indeed.


@flusha said in An idea for the Police Team.:

I didnt read everything what you wrote but, i did read half, I have same opinion with you. The new system known as "kill arrest" is suck because police team are too enough for criminals. 20 cops in the server even can be enough for provide the security around of SA. Also its not realistic, in real life polices are not doing this.

huh? Police officers able to kill any dangerous criminal to save citizen, by dangerous i mean well armed players. Plus in USA as i know If any tard kills Police Officer/Agent/Trainee all units heading to his location just to kill that guy, not to arrest. So your worlds " in real life Police are not doing this. " is making no sentence!


@fesko said in An idea for the Police Team.:

@flusha said in An idea for the Police Team.:

I didnt read everything what you wrote but, i did read half, I have same opinion with you. The new system known as "kill arrest" is suck because police team are too enough for criminals. 20 cops in the server even can be enough for provide the security around of SA. Also its not realistic, in real life polices are not doing this.

huh? Police officers able to kill any dangerous criminal to save citizen, by dangerous i mean well armed players. Plus in USA as i know If any tard kills Police Officer/Agent/Trainee all units heading to his location just to kill that guy, not to arrest. So your worlds " in real life Police are not doing this. " is making no sentence!

I still agree my idea, IRL police officers able to kill dangerous/armed criminals but IRL wardens doesn't kill prison breakers if they didn't get out from the prison. They're using tasers for protect the area inside.


@flusha said in An idea for the Police Team.:

@fesko said in An idea for the Police Team.:

@flusha said in An idea for the Police Team.:

I didnt read everything what you wrote but, i did read half, I have same opinion with you. The new system known as "kill arrest" is suck because police team are too enough for criminals. 20 cops in the server even can be enough for provide the security around of SA. Also its not realistic, in real life polices are not doing this.

huh? Police officers able to kill any dangerous criminal to save citizen, by dangerous i mean well armed players. Plus in USA as i know If any tard kills Police Officer/Agent/Trainee all units heading to his location just to kill that guy, not to arrest. So your worlds " in real life Police are not doing this. " is making no sentence!

I still agree my idea, IRL police officers able to kill dangerous/armed criminals but IRL wardens doesn't kill prison breakers if they didn't get out from the prison. They're using tasers for protect the area inside.

In real live prisoners dont have weapons on them when they getting outta their cells!


Is there just an inherent need to complain regarding everything? If you guys want to push 'RP' so hard, let's bring in permanent death for characters and force everyone on TeamSpeak because 'text chat isn't realist enough'.

The hospital system in GTA is based on the fact that your character is not killed but rather hospitalised, instead coming out of the hospital 6 hours after being 'wasted'. Now this premise is brought into SAES into a more crude way but it's there with a respawn at the hospital. Now would the cops let you walk out of hospital after committing a serious crime in real life? No, no they wouldn't. You'd still be jailed once you've recovered for a serious wrongdoing.

So as a matter of fact, this new feature is more true to 'RP'. Isn't it boys and girls?

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