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Well i got muted in SAES discord by @Brophy 6 years for trolling @Scorpyo with an HTML edited picture , i just edited his account page and changed something so it was just a joke for fun then i got perm mute ,
Lol i just joking i think i didn't insulted him in discord chat or something also Brophy didn't warned me and when i tried to pm Scorpyo to applogize to him i found my self blocked ! lmao what's goal of blocking peoples ! just reply and say no or stop pming!!
anyways im here to tell that SAES dev called @Scorpyo im sorry for that shit i did and @Brophy i was just joking lol why always seriously ? may u unmute me please


Why don't you just create a 6th account if it's that big an issue. It doesn't look like you'll lose anything from starting over a 3rd time anyway :crank:


You're probably going to be banned again in a week anyway. You can't behave, that's your problem. This is your own fault, even if a perm mute is too much, you did the same in ThC discord. Your jokes are retarded and offensive, no one thinks they're funny. Behave. You are lucky to even be allowed to still play in this server.

PS: Do not send me a message again like you did one month ago.


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why are you being muted and baned in all discords! WOW THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL WRONG WHY WOULD THEY MUTE OR BAN YOU


You was not muted because you did a troll picture.

You was muted for your pure verbal diarrhoea.

It all comes back to the same routine as always, you act like a idiot, get a mute or ban then complain in public, thinking that they will do some sort of protest in your name.

Here's an idea, stop acting like idiot to try and fit in, be yourself.

P.S. If that is actually you "being yourself" then I can imagine you being banned again very soon.

We also do not supply babysitters.


@Brophy said in Muted in SAES discord 6 years:

You was not muted because you did a troll picture.

You was muted for your pure verbal diarrhoea.

It all comes back to the same routine as always, you act like a idiot, get a mute or ban then complain in public, thinking that they will do some sort of protest in your name.

Here's an idea, stop acting like idiot to try and fit in, be yourself.

P.S. If that is actually you "being yourself" then I can imagine you being banned again very soon.

We also do not supply babysitters.

Well Yes u're right Im being Idiot and and Retard and I'm not being my self im just doing some fun with SAES players and enjoy with them that's all .


With all my respect but i don't think that you can play SAES because you are getting banned alot and SAES HQ are giving you a lot of chances but you didn't respect that. All those years and you didn't change your career you still ordering players to do what you want and you will not change, you deserve it. Actually you need to quit From this game cuz you are trying to fuck SAES you are trying to take your revenge from us, and why we don't know. We didn't do anything to you. And you started it :thinking_face: . What do you want from us ?. I don't know how you are Raf's brother. Will not tell more. Good luck

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