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Activity type: Patrolling around (Pullovers, Backup, Store Robberies, Races)
Story: N/AWe gathered at base and started to patrol from Los Santos. We did some pullovers on the roads, we were joining the backup callouts from other officers, also attended to 3 Store Robberies and 1 Race in Red County, Palomino Creek.
Location: Whole SA
People who attended: @Ramos - @Victor - @OrionnN - @barras
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YJwLBXA


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Activity type: Patroling around Las Venturas & Los Santos.
Story: This morning we decided to check the traffic in Las Venturas & Los Santos, it wasn't that quiet, as we had urgent call at LS Jail, due to some guys escaped out of cell. But fortunately, special task force arrived on time, and they have been arrested. So we took the jail under control and there wasn't any problems.
Location: LS streets & jail, Las Venturas
People who attended: Laza - Victor - OrionnN - Vertiq
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/u7uAGLQ


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Roleplay type: Transporting the high amount of money from bank to bank
Description of roleplay: Since we're currently located in the Los Santos, and we're police team. The CEO who is working at Los Santos Bank, called us if we could assist him to transport the high amount of money from LS bank to the Bone County bank. Since the BC bank used to have some problems with the lockers and it wasn't safe to have money there till it got fixed. I must admit, we used to have sirens on, and we have been pretty armored, so no one tried to do anything stupid, by ramming our securicar or something like that. The mission is completed successfully, and the money is transported to the bank, also everything is placed in bank lockers.
Location: Los Santos bank & Bone County bank
Participant(s): @Laza - @BonIIs - @Victor - @OrionnN - @Vertiq
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fggUWox


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Roleplay type: Arresting drug traffickers
Description of roleplay: LVPD got anonymous call that some thugs from gang called OverdosedCrime were guarding some kind of cargo for a few days. It was something that smelled at this point, so LVPD called Special Task Force to go and take a look at cargo storage in Redsands West, Las Venturas. STF quickly arrived, then blocked the road and saw two black males (supposed to be OC criminals). STF officers have done basic routine inspection in which they found that one gang member had illegal supstances in his car. After good inspection of their car, officers found out that cargo storage belonged to OC high ranked member. Cargo was inspected and there was found many illegal items such as stolen cars, famous San Andreas paintings, stolen jewerly and illegal drugs. They were arrested and brought to LVPD where they will be transfered to Los Santos courthouse to be sentenced.
Participant(s): @Laza @Ramos @OrionnN @Dufabo @Victor @BonIIs @ziad @Elyes
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0LzSKkR


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Roleplay type: Pullovering drugs smuggler
Description of roleplay: Today, Los Santos Police Department informed Special Task Force Headquarters in Los Santos, about a dangerous drug dealer who might smuggling the drugs in black burrito in Red County area. Therefore, Officer Ramos gathered up his team to pull him over. But it might go really bad since the dealer could be heavy armed and even got his convoy with him. So, before Special Task Force Tactical Team went on raid, they equiped theirself. After they arrived to the dealer, they blocked dealer's way to continue ride, and they approached him with the guns to prevent any shooting from the dealer. After that, Officer BlaZZey and Ramos searched his trunk, while Victor was taking care of the dealer and OrionnN controlling the traffic on the Red County road. After the search, they found 100 kg of heroin, 14 kg of cocaine and several baggies of fresh weed. They immediately took him to the Bone County Sheriff Department, where he will spend 2 weeks of prison there, then he will be transfered to Libery City highly secured jail, where he will be sentenced to more than 30 years of prison.
Participant(s): @Ramos - @Victor - @BlaZZey - @OrionnN - @SoulFly
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aL4D6fF


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Roleplay type: Buying weapons from InvestArms Corporation
Description of roleplay: After a long one year inside Special Task Force, squad management decided to buy brand new weapons and lots of ammo for the next few years. Therefore, Officer Ramos called one of InvestArms Corporation Scientist about buying some weapons. With the convoy, Officer Ramos, Officer Victor and Officer OrionnN went to IAC Base, where they made a deal. When the Special Task Force's convoy arrived to IAC Base, firstly Scientist Charl showed them what kind of weapons they develop, make, test and much more. After the quick showout, Officers had a list of weapons in need from STF's Management team. So, they bought 5000 bullets of M4 and 84 M4 models, 1250 bullets of Sniper and 13 Sniper models, 2000 bullets of Deagle and 132 Deagle models, and at the end 35 smoke grenades. All that costs 8,000 $ but Scientist Charl gave us a little discount on ammo's, so we paid only 7,500 $. After the money was sent from STF Bank account to IAC Bank account, they loaded weapons and ammo's on enforcer. When officers arrived back to Special Task Force's Headquarters, they unloaded all stuff they bought.
Participant(s): @Ramos - @Victor - @OrionnN - @Harb (Scientist.Charl) - @hope (Enlistee.Clay)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PE7wxbF


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Activity type: Patroling around Las Venturas & Los Santos & San Fierro.
Story: This morning we decided to check the traffic in Las Venturas & Los Santos & San Fierro. On those city's roads, we have stopped few civilians and criminals for breaking the law, helped Prison Wardens in Los Santos Jail, and take care of speeders on Los Santos - Las Venturas Highway.
Location: Las Venturas & Los Santos & San Fierro
People who attended: @Ramos - @Dufabo - @BonIIs - @barras
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IR9XUlO


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Activity type: Patroling around Las Venturas & Los Santos
Story: Today STF members deiced to make a traffic check at Las Venturas highway & Los Santos highway, we have stopped few civilians and criminals for breaking the law
Location: Las Venturas & Los Santos
People who attended: @BonIIs @OrionnN @Victor
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JfQjQJA


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Activity type: Patroling around SA, there was a couple of criminals which we have arrested and so on.
Story: -
Location: Los Santos & Las Venturas
People who attended: @Laza - @BlaZZey - @Victor - @OrionnN
Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/UXtcYKg.jpg?1 & https://i.imgur.com/C5Srxj5.jpg?1


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Roleplay type: Criminals in pursuit
Description of roleplay: We've been patroling, and we've decided to pull-over two gang members, since we got reported that they're delivering drugs from city to city, and earning high amount of money. We was exactly at LV Cross, and we have seen light blue Super GT which passed quite fast near us. One of my members have just saw one of them, and yeah we pull-overed them, and they were transported to the jail.
Location: Las Venturas
Participant(s): @Laza - @BlaZZey - @Victor - @OrionnN


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Activity type: Patroling & Clearing banks
Story: We used to patrol around SA, there was couple of bank robberies, where we used to go in, clear everything, and continue on patroling. We must admit, there was really high amount of criminals.
Location: Around SA, we've visited almost every city
People who attended: @Laza - @barras - @Ramos - @OrionnN - @Victor
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ipselOl


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Roleplay type: Arresting bomb smuggler
Description of roleplay: Officer Ramos and Victor received a callout from Special Task Force Headquarters about possible bomb smuggling at Flint County roads. Therefore, Ramos and Victor accepted that callout, and went to Flint County.
Location: San Fierro & Flint County. When they arrived to there, they noticed a black burrito driving very slowly in front of us, so they immidiately stopped him. Victor fastly drove in front of his way, while Ramos blocked his way at the back, so he couldn't escape. Victor approached him with the gun out, while Ramos was taking a look around the van. After that, Ramos opened back doors of the trunk, and started to search for any suspicious things inside. While he was searching the trunk, he noticed some heavy box made from iron. He opened that box and saw a bomb inside it. While Victor wanted to see the bomb, suspect ran away. So, they went after him as fast as possible, at the end they tazed and handcuffed him. After that, Ramos called towtruck company to tow the van away. But because bomb didn't had any detonator, there wasn't explosion possibility, but Ramos also called STF Team who are recruited with the bombs to take the bomb away and destroy it. Officers took suspect to the SF Police Department, where they readed him his rights, and took him in the cells for the next 48 hours, before he goes in the court law house.
Participant(s): @Ramos - @Victor - @Andre
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JPzhioa

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