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#Return our hand money - Not our fault that you didn't warn us



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Creating tons of thread won't help, as far I know noone is getting refunded for the cash you had in your hands. That's the administrators fault who didn't warned people before doing any steps, so yeah rip.

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@Bodo420 said in #Return our hand money - Not our fault that you didn't warn us:

Some People Lost alot Laza , And this time it's not the same , They didn't warn us . It's not our fault this time .

I had in my hands the event money which I was going to spend, and more cash, trust me what I'm telling you, there was a post from the server owner on #announcements. Stay tuned, let's hope all the people gets their cash back.

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@Teddy said in #Return our hand money - Not our fault that you didn't warn us:

@Versace said in #Return our hand money - Not our fault that you didn't warn us:

Give us the ability to deposit cash at an ATM. Everyone leaves money on hand because going to a bank is not worth it

This is definitely needed, or simply depositing and taking out money from M panel -> Bank

The RP thing is nonsense.

Honestly. Keep the banks for "RP" and advance with technology by allowing us to use the M panel to deposit or atleast an ATM....

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yeah well i was having like 300k or something i dont really care about em but others was having a lot of money or more than you so they should really get their money back........ i wonder why we didn't get warned that we will even get kicked from the server i mean there was a Z br going idk i think they finish it before they start kicking y'all

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