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TXN ID: 8G861904T8598051T

Donation Amount: 40.00GBP

Vehicle Type: Police LS
Vehicle Colour: White
Specify any upgrades: Slicktop
Usernames to lock: bas260
Where you want it placed: SAI base next to the Police LVs

Vehicle Type: Police LS
Vehicle Colour: White
Specify any upgrades: Slicktop
Usernames to lock: bas260
Where you want it placed: SAI base next to the Police LVs

Vehicle Type: FBI
Vehicle Colour: +custom wrap for remaining 10 pounds. bas260_3
Specify any upgrades: Pushbar and lightbar
Usernames to lock: bas260
Where you want it placed: SAI base

Wrap will be added by Tut


4 million rewarded
1x FBI rancher with wrap bas260_3 placed at SAI base
2x Police LS placed at SAI base

Thanks for donating Bas

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