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Part I:
How much have you donated for the server? 100 pounds.

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Like 2 years ago

Why do you need this change? Because all my vehicles got removed due inactivity and I want them back

Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94982-cheess-donation-tracker/

Links to your previous donation changes requests: The old ones are on the old forums.


Part II: What I Want to be Removed

I got no vehicles placed.


Part III: What I Want to be Added

Just 10 vehicles. No interiors needed.

Vehicle 1 & 2: 2x NRG-500
Location: https://imgur.com/a/O7ISG53
Username: cheessoufle

Vehicle 3 & 4: 2x Stratum
Location: https://imgur.com/a/li914nT
Username: cheessoufle

Vehicle 5 & 6: 2x Sultan
Location: https://imgur.com/a/li914nT
Username: cheessoufle

Vehicle 7 & 8: 2x NRG-500
Location: https://imgur.com/a/cEytYEh
Username: cheessoufle

Vehicle 9 : Shamal
Location: LS airport. I would like to have a spawn blip at my plane.
Username: cheessoufle

Vehicle 10 : Maverick
Location: LV airport. I would like to have a spawn blip at my helicopter.
Username: cheessoufle


Thanks Nanoboobies!

Only the icons at the maverick and the shamal needs to be sorted. But need SAHA for that. Nanoboobies can't do it. But trust me, he's pro at placing veh's.

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