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Well i would like to suggest to add New Crim side and Cop side Activity , i found this idea in GTA 5 and i decided to sugggest it in SAES too.
What's The mission of Criminals
Well it's like VIP , Criminal will notice that there is a Bank Car in the highway and will see a blue mark in the map moving on the highway so they have to go There and kill The driver.
How to get Money
Well Criminals have to kill the driver and they have to go in back of the car there will be a small mark and Criminals have to go there and they will get a bag like the BR's one so they have to get the bag to warehouse Or they can get the money direct without getting the bag.
How to win this Mission as Cop
Well the Cops will get the same notice as Crims and they have to go and defend the Car from the criminals by killing the crims or arresting them and they have to get the Bank Car and driver to a small mark in Map (LVBR or LSBR or SFBR...) Banks Will be choosen Auto after that they will win money.
If Driver died and Criminals didn't get the Money cuz of Cops ?
Well If driver died and Cops still fighting the crims , there will be a time to get the money for crims will be in the screen of criminals like 1:50 same as Cops too , If they successfully defended the Car in 1:50 they will get money and win the mission.

Thanks for Read!
Best regards,

6 answers to this question

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This is basically Johnny's evidence transporting suggestion here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19282/police-evidence-transport

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Gets unbanned, takes a look at the different suggestions that are plausible. Copy, paste and see my wisdom @AntiRug haha

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@AntiRug said in [SUGGESTION]Bank Car Rob:

This is basically Johnny's evidence transporting suggestion here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19282/police-evidence-transport

@Markus said in [SUGGESTION]Bank Car Rob:

@AntiRug said in [SUGGESTION]Bank Car Rob:

This is basically Johnny's evidence transporting suggestion here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19282/police-evidence-transport

@Ramby said in [SUGGESTION]Bank Car Rob:

Gets unbanned, takes a look at the different suggestions that are plausible. Copy, paste and see my wisdom @AntiRug haha

well sorry guys i didn't read Johny's one before posting a suggestion just ignore this untill a SAES member delet it.

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