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What is your name:

What is your nickname:

What is your in-game nickname:

What is your age:

What is your nationality:

Why do you wanna join TheForgottenOnes:

What can you provide for the gang that will benefit us:

Our gang wears black and white are you cool with that:

Are you apart of any other gang:

How long do you play on the SAES server:

Do you speak English:

How good is your english skills:

What other langauages are you able to speak:



What is your name: Marcus

What is your nickname: Hoshino

What is your in-game nickname: SauceLord

What is your age: 25

What is your nationality: Black

Why do you wanna join TheForgottenOnes: To belong to a brotherhood and to put in work to help my brothers.

What can you provide for the gang that will benefit us: I promise to lead the gang and handle all business

Our gang wears black and white are you cool with that: yes

Are you apart of any other gang: no

Do you speak English:yes

How good is your english skills: 10/10

What other languages are you able to speak: N/A

How long do you play on the SAES server: 3-4hrs daily

comments/questions/concerns: No

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