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Requesting donations since 2012/2013 .

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Well , My brother Kato had donations for 120 Euro which i payed in it too ^^ , it was like 8 years ago , He went fully inactive and won't play again because of his Study and work , may you please move the donations to my account please ? @Bone already knows that we are brothers and done this to me before . I asked many admins this is possible they said "Ye ask it on forums " so i am here today .


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@Daryl , Well he is my brother and he has been inactive since 2015 , he forgot his account password as he changed it several times , any old SAES player knows the fact that we are brothers , also i requested those donations 4-5 years ago and i got my request accepted . @Bone already knows that he is my brother and that Kato agreed to move them to my account before .

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@Bodo420 said in Requesting donations since 2012/2013 .:

So , There is no way to get them now ? They are kinda much , you know that .

Since the donations are not yours, there is no way for you to get them.
The only way to have these donations placed is if the original donator requests them, and actually actively plays the game since donation vehicles of inactive players are automatically removed.

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