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Participants: @Troones and @pekekent
District: All Districts
Shift period: 20:52 - 23:07 (2 hours 55 minutes)
Number of vehicles extinguished: 58
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MMWwX3Q


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Participants: @Troones and @aoxi
District: All Districts
Shift period: 17:46 - 18:59 (1 hour 13 minutes)
Number of victims saved/healed: 38
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7ZlbtEw


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Participants: Aoxi and @schwaring
District: Las Venturas, San Fierro, Tierra Robada, Los Santos
Shift period: 32 minutes
Number of victims saved/healed: 15-30


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Participants: Me "Alone"
Districts: Red County, Las Venturas, Tierra Robada, Las Venturas, San Fierro and Whestone
Shift period: 18:10 - 19:13 (1 Hour and 3 Minutes)
Number of Vehicles: 30 Vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BbmU9Vl


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Roleplay type: Neighborhood Flood
Description of roleplay: Flash Flooding alert for the people of South Las Venturas Neighborhood near Donut Road came in. Mandatory evacuation noticed was issued early in the AM and so fourth all residents had been accounted for late afternoon. The flood waters weren't going down and with all people out it was just a waiting game for officials and home owners to check the damage. So we thought.

Location: South Las Venturas
Participants: @Ragnar & Myself

So I'm catching a late night shift in Las Venturas just monitoring the station and doing some chores. Had no calls come in mostly all night but stayed prepared anyways. I decided to take big red out for a spin and pick up a couple things for the night when I got a weird call over the radio.

10-65 On an adult male. Ex-Wife reported him missing because she hasn't heard from him since early in the morning and he missed picking up his child No call No show. Last known location 15-Donut-Road.
I thought to myself, Donut road.. THE FLOOD! So I responded to dispatch.
SAFD E#26 to Main, responding to 10-65 in South LV with code 3, This is a flooded area double checking to see if I anyone's there who could react to sirens, ETA 4 mins, over.

I rushed to the scene hoping that maybe the waters have gone down and someone was stuck and as soon as I got there this is what I saw.
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I gasped there was a person who refused to evacuate and the water came in to fast. He had lost everything. And since the gov thought they vacated the area earlier they had missed one stubborn home owner. I commentated with him that everything gonna be ok and to hang on tight. He yelled back.. BUT SIR I CANT SWIM!! THE WATERS TOO HIGH!! I WONT JUMP!!. I replied: Hey you know what, I don't feel like going for a swim either but I will get you out of here, Safe and dry.
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I let dispatch know I arrived on the and found the 10-65 alive and well and requested a ladder truck. Once he arrived and setup the ladder for me I had him stay in the truck get as close as he could and deploy it over the water to the roof. I carefully climbed the ladder and once I reached him I hand to talk him down so he would come with me. Admittedly it was a little scary but I got him down.

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We finally get down and the customer only wants to talk on this dry ledge so I said sure. Had to get up there and check him out he was a little shook up but mostly ok. I called it in anyways to make sure the medical professionals gave him the ok. After that time me shift was just about over. I made my way back to the station finished my work.


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Roleplay type: Crash Landing
Description of roleplay: You ever see something crazy while your driving? Imagine your driving down the road in your engine and out of the corner of you eye you see a small plane. Not so crazy yet, right? But then you see this plane getting closer and closer and lower and lower and you say: Oh no, he's gonna crash.
Location: San Fierro
Participants: @LalaStrala & Myself

So I'm San Fierro leaving off a call I got about a burned car on the highway. So I decided to take a different route back to LV then I usually do since the traffic was so backed up on the main highway. During this route I'm driving next to this big empty spot of land not paying any attention till I here a plane. It sounded so loud and so close so I decided to slow down and look, I see it thru my side window.

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OMG THAT PLANES GONNA CRASH. So I ready up and back the engine from the lot just in case and then it happens. The engine blows.
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Wheels on the ground and I'm yelling to no avail BRACE FOR INPACT like the guy could even hear me.
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I rush over to the plane and help the guy get out and move out of the way before the fire got to bad. The gas and chemicals from the plane engine ignites and I rush to put the small fires out before it got rush.
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Once everything was out and cleared the plane for inspection I rushed to the aid of the amateur pilot. He was distraught and hurt over what just happened. I gave him some medical aid and called for an EMT on the scene. Once the EMT arrived and released him we had a talk about safety and how worse this could have been.
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