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@nrg-aka-caligula said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive:

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Participants: @Cold @Shocked
Date: 24.01.2021
History: Today i woke up and i got a cool breakfast. After it i wanted to walk because of today was holiday. I was walking and a SAFD EMT division member came to me. He told me that they needs some pipes for moving the water on fire. I got nervous but this is my job and i must do my job as very well. I went to base with him and we talked with him. After details i called the guy who will help me about getting goods from. We met and we started the job. I got an ALT Truck and started to the way from Red County ALT HQ. We went to Red County Farm for getting goods and we got them. After it we went to Las Venturas San Andreas Fire Department for passing the deliver. We went and i parked them aswell. After it i got the money. I added the money to ALT HQ.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Po43ina


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Participants: N/A ( Alone )
District: Los Santos - Red County - Las Venturas
Shift period: From 11:32 ==> 12:00 ( Around 30 Minutes )
Number of vehicles: 12 ( 423 --> 435 )


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Participants: @GamerZ450
District: All dsitrickts
Shift period: From 14:03 ==> 14:26 ( 23 Minutes )
Number of vehicles: 19 ( 435 --> 454 )


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Roleplay type : 904B
Description of roleplay :
After we recieved a emergency call from the Red county police regarding a 904B in a forrest area, we responded with several engines units and our air unit.

The first thing we did when we arrived at the scene was to secure the area. Our main goal was to prevent a huge wildfire so we kept spraying the trees that were the closest to the barn so they wouldnt catch fire.

After several hours of hard work we managed to extinguish the fire and save the forrest. Unfortunately we werent able to save the warm from being demolished.
Location : Red County
Participants : Ferthis, Afufu, Ale, Spanish, Orten, Zoro, SAM, Aveyro, Stalin, Marksman, B22
Screenshots :
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![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/570877248782073858/795025771268669470/unknown.png
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Participants: N/A ( Alone )
District: Los Santos / Las Venturas / Bone County
Shift period: From 21:04 ==> 21:30 ( 26 Minutes )
Number of vehicles: 25 ( 454 --> 479 )



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Participants: N/A ( Alone )
District: All districts
Shift period: From 11:51 ==> 12:15 ( 24 Minutes )
Number of vehicles: 21 ( 479 --> 500 )



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Participants: Me, alone
District: Bone County, Las Venturas, Flint County, San Fierro, Tierra Robada and Los Santos
Shift period: 15:50-16:32 (42 minutes)
Number of vehicles: 13 vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BCwazdj


@killerask said in Mongols MC Media Archive:

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Date: 01/02/2021
Roleplay Number: #2
Participants: @Secret-Service @SAFD
Story: The Jumper

We were just doing a small roadtrip untill we saw a an unmarkerd police car along the LS-LV bridge with on the edge a secret service member. "My life sucks" he was crying his job was to tough and his wife had just left him. it was a very sad view. We tried talking him out of it to not commit to his actions but nothing we said seemed to matter to him. We called SAFD for help. Thank god they showed up quick. Together with the SAFD we tried to talk him out. but how more we talked the more it looked he would jump. So we had no other choice than pull him off the ramp. He was really upset and didnt know what happined to him. We invited him over to have a drink in our bar and 1 week later he actually showed up. Thanking us for saving his life. He was completely burned out and quit his job. but he was slowly recovering and talking to a therapist. Maybe some people in San Andreas can have a bad view on MMC but we are not that bad after all.


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More Screenshots:


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Participants: N/A ( Alone )
District: Las Venturas - Bone County - Los Santos
Shift period: From 19:49 ==> 20:21 ( 32 Minutes )
Number of vehicles: 31 ( 500 --> 531 )



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@niklaus said in Niklaus's CC Activities:

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Activity type: Fixing San Andreas Fire Department Engines.
Participants: @ALIJR007
Cuban cars Mecanico(s): None.
Mechanic(s): @Niklaus
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bZzlqpT
Hoster scenario: It was a quiet morning when I got a call from San Andreas Fire Department's Deputy Fire Commissioner, I went to Las Venturas Fire Department as fast as I can, it had priority over all other requests and calls. I asked the Deputy about the problem there, he told me that one of the water pumps got messed up last night during an operation, he also wanted me to check on the other parts of the engine. I started checking on the engine first, it looked fine, I went to the water pump to see what I can do there, I found some burned parts there, it wasn't pumping the water, I fixed the pump by cleaning the precipitates, I replaced the burned parts with a new one, then asked the Deputy to try the engine, it worked well, I sent him my bank account number so San Andreas Fire Department can transfer the cash to me.

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