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Participants: Me "Alone"
Districts: Las Venturas, San Fierro, Red County, Tierra Robada, Bone County and Los Santos
Shift period: 18:00 - 18:46 (46 Minutes)
Number of Vehicles: 25 Vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/G5hI7We


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@nevs said in Royal Flush | Media Archive:

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Date: 20.10.21
Roleplay number: 68
Participants: @Royal-Flush @Netro

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You could hear the engine roaring. The american muscles from Villains car and the japanese horses within Nevs`s Supra. They were both ready. Gamefaces was on and reputation was on the line. Both of them wanted to be at the top of the Golden Circle.

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At the very start Nevs managed to control his start a bit better than Villain something that gave him a headstart. Leading by those meters before the first turn made Nevs a bit over confident, which lead to him losing his lead during the first lap. Villain was now ahead, and had the chance to get up to the top of the Golden Circle for his first time...

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As the second lap started Nevs heard tires screaming, and could see Villains car ahead of him.

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There was smoke coming from the engine.. The front bumper was gone, and the car looked in terrible shape.

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Nevs stepped out of his vehicle and started waving at Villain.

"Bro, can you hear me?! Get out of there, the car might light up!", Nevs shouted.

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Luckily Villain didnt lose cautiousness while crashin, so he heard Nevs shouting at him. He stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to Nevs. It seemed like he was fine, even thou he were crying. Most people would after such an incident, especially with such a valuable car.

Nevs explained that they had no other choise than calling San Andreas Fire Department to have a look at it. They didnt want to risk anything.

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A short while before San Andreas Fire Department arrived, the car started to burn. Villain and Nevs kept a good distance from the car in case any explosion would happen. As soon as SAFD arrived they started spraying the car with water, and managed to extinguish the fire.

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The fireman walked over to them and said that the car should be ok now. Even thou there were some oils and some gas leaking - the chassie was now at a temperature which would hinder the car from cathing on fire again.

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They walked over to the car, and Nevs asked wether the car was in a decent enough condition to be towed with a normal tow truck or if they needed any special equipment.

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Before taking a closer look, the fireman moved his truck out of the way so that other cars easilier could pass. Villain peaked into the hood, and saw there were some major issues - even thou he didnt know much about mechanical stuff.

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The fireman walked over and had a close look at the vehicle and firstly pointed out the obvious..

"Well.. Atleast you cannot drive this car back to your garage, nor to a mechanic.. However, the chassie is not that damage - which means it can handle being towed".

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Villain and Nevs thanked the fireman for his help, and asked if he knew any good mechanics that could help them out with issues like this.. The fireman thought for a while and said; "Ive heard of The Motor Heads. That might be something worth checking out".

Nevs smiled as that was a firm he was familiar with. However he had never reached out to them for anything like this before - so he was a bit unsure if it was a job they could help him with. He would for sure give it a try thou.

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The fireman then hopped into his vehicle and drove back to his department, while Nevs and Villain was standing there speachless about what just had happened.

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Participants: Me "Alone"
Districts: Las Venturas, Bone County, Tierra Robada, Los Santos, Red County and San Fierro
Shift period: 17:36 - 18:44 (1 Hour with 8 Minutes)
Number of Vehicles: 42 Vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/F81mSPS

  • 2 weeks later...

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Participants: Me and SAES>Jonas133
Districts: Red County, Las Venturas, Bone County, Tierra Robada, Red County, Los Santos and San Fierro
Shift period: 16:06 - 16:52 (46 Minutes)
Number of Vehicles: 20 Vehicles
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QIBQE7P


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Roleplay type: Fire Control At LV Dockyard due to Aircraft Crashing

Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Due to Horrible Crashing of the Aircraft at Las Ventures Dock including the main Engine and Package it was carrying was also on fire , due to crash the Aircraft was broken into 3 parts , Situation was Reported to SAFD HQ at 15:00 PM [GMT] , 2 Firefighters along with one EMT Medic was Sent to Bring down the Fire

Location: Las Ventures Docks , LV
Participants: @LidlPegasus , @Rieeria , @aoxi
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9bmFZPn


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Roleplay type: SAFD Fire Control Mission
Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Around 15:02 PM [GMT] it was Reported in SAFD HQ that a Half Built Building (Currently under construction had suddenly caught fire due to electric Wire Failure) , Firefighter Pegasus and Firefighter Aoxi was sent on the mission to Bring the Fire Under Control at Construction Area of Bone County , upon reaching there the Surroundings of the fire place were blocked and Hose A was Unleased to bring the Fire Down, it took around 20mins to bring the fire down and Situation was Finally under control

Location: Bone Country Construction Site Area
Participants: @LidlPegasus and @aoxi
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/urwEWIl


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Roleplay type: Train & Truck Crashed Site - Fire Rescue Mission

Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Around 16:23 PM [GMT] it was reported to SAFD HQ by SWAT Officer.Energizer @Energizer about a Truck has crashed with a Train near the LS Stadium and A big Fire has taken place around the area and the Driver is stuck as the Cargos from the truck has blocked the Doors, SAFD immediately Responded by sending 3 Firefighters ( @LidlPegasus, @Glayd, @aoxi ) and one EMT Unit ( @Schwitz ) to the scene along with its Chief officer @LAPD_Spanish_VEN , upon reaching the scene , a planning area was spotted to plan about how to bring the fire down and how to rescue the Train Driver ( @Rieeria ) , around 16:34 PM all the Firefighters went in the fire Site in order to bring the fire under control , Ultimately after initiating HOSE A from the Fire truck and Using 3-4 Extinguishers and water Pulsee the Situation came under control and the Road remain closed for entire Day

Location: Los Santos Dock - Train Track Area , Los Santos
Participants: @LidlPegasus, @Rieeria, @LAPD_Spanish_VEN, @Glayd, @aoxi, @Schwitz, @Energizer

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8lqjM39

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