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Hero's 'SO-CALLED LWS' Events


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^[Hi there! I hope you're doing well and having a good day.]
^[Welcome to my event topic friends.]

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My name is Murat and I'm 21 years old. I study computer science at a university. I've been playing SAES for long years with some breaks. In the end, I play it every single day for like a year and a half. I want to dedicate myself to this game and being an LWS member is the biggest step for me. I hope you enjoy my topic.

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Total Events: 111
Money Spent: 215 Million

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My event format will be the following:

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Event Number: #
Event Type:
LWS/G6 Helper(s):

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Event: #16
Event Type: 5 Cheetahs vs 5 Super GTs - Team DD
Prize: 10.000.000$ - 2M Each
LWS/G6 Helper(s): Zombie
Winners: Skinner, Gonza, Judy, CurvyDustStorm16, Tokata

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