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[BUG] Can not change profile picture



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I tried more than 3 time changing my forum picture and couldnt change it. I try various imagenes yet cant when i change the picture, the old one i had set itself as profile picture

Must be a bug from the forum,I hope u can solve it soon

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I am not sure if you are facing the same problem I am talking about, but you may try it;

After you upload your image, press Ctrl+F5 before you hit the Save Changes button.
And btw, your new uploaded image may not be visible for the others straight away. I guess they also need to do the same, Ctrl+F5

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@Siper_ said in [BUG] Can not change profile picture:

It's on bug atm, @Brophy is aware of it will get fixed very soon

It's not a bug, the issue with uploading was resolved a few days ago, the only "issue" left is that player profile images are saved as the same file name, therefore your browser caches it.

Like stated previous, you can do ctrl + f5 to make your browser refresh its cache and get the new image.

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