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A command to refuel the car by 10 Liters for an increased price



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Its quite simple, a command(or maybe could be a function using alt-gr) to refuel your car by 10% for an increased price ,f.e 5x the price of the fuel station.
it can be called something like "Use fuel jerrycan". Personally i run out of fuel alot and i end up getting stranded, even when i use /mech i mostly get no response at all. Also, i have at least 5 vehicles with 0 fuel and i cannot use them at all. Since when i spawn them i cannot drive to a fuel station so my only option is calling a mechanic which as i said above only works 1% of the time or having to get a towtruck which is a pain in the ass.

I don't think this needs a poll but upvote if you support it, i guess...
EDIT: I think 10 Liters of fuel is enough to drive to an actual fuel station.

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@Filex Oh thanks
Although, those topic got archived and forgotten about since one is 5 months old and one is 1 year old
However, what im suggesting is far simpler than these since its just an instant command instead of having an inventory and objects and stuff.

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Call a mechanic, or spawn a different vehicle if you are unable to get a mechanic.
Its a nice RP role for the mechanic, wich we should keep.

Just ask for a mechanic in the main chat, I always like to respond to those messages.

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