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My suggestion here is pretty simple and I will provide an example within my context.
So what I'm looking forward to implement is some sort of a command that can ease the process of respawning, further explanation can be found below:

how we interact with the current system without the use of the command:

alt text

how can the command actually assist us in the process:

alt text

Ex: /respawn 10 <--- indicating that "10" is the amount of times that you want to respawn within the same role, so, if you are an officer, once you die, you will immediately spawn back without having to interfere with the spawn panel.

Why I felt the need for a such command? Well, simply because I was roaming around as an officer and as many of you guys already know, dying is to be expected every now and then, because of that, the spawn panel started to bore me as well as in some cases, delay the process of respawning by a nice amount, it became repetitive to me and I didn't feel like the need to interact with it whenever I need to respawn knowing that dying is a recurring event (which can occur every minute or two).

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@Ikzelf @protonyt looks to me its hardware reliant then, if that's the case for the majority then this topic may be marked as solved.
Normally takes me around three to four seconds to actually respawn which is weird considering I have a gaming PC.

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I don't think this will be considered as a thing or someone will spend some time to script this and add it.. because simply the difference between these two actions is couple of seconds which won't matter or effect on anything.

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