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Your ingame username: carbon12
Your ingame alias: Latinoo, Prometeus, Carbon, Arkantos, Matias, Norwing, Funstein, Melioda and any other personality I wish to bring to the front today :moistpepe:
Your year of birth: 04/12/2003
Your gender: Masculine

Nationality: Chilean
Country of residence: Chile

How long you have been playing SAES: Since 2017
Qualities you can offer: Sense of humor and activity
Your weaknesses: I'm bad writing applications

Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): CS

Do you have Discord Installed: Yes

Reason for application: I want to be Staff, to help thats why

Server Memberships: Nothing only X member

Additional information: No

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: A total of 123 punishments, and probably 130 now who knows
Previous (legitimate) bans: A ban for fake reporting

Do you eat pork: No


Your weaknesses: I'm bad writing applications

Atleast you identified one thing correctly :upside_down_face:

So far the worst application I've seen.

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