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SeBas Application for Community Staff


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Your ingame username:

Your ingame alias:

Your year of birth:

Your gender:


Country of residence:

How long you have been playing SAES:
I have been playing since March 2012

Qualities you can offer:
I have a various of qualities which I am sure would benefit me in the team. First of all I am all about the team and would therefore characterize myself as a team player. I find that extremely important as it makes a lot of difficult situations easier. I primarily learned a lot about teamplay from playing handball which I have done for as long as I remember, and as ski instructor in Austria. I have also learned a lot about teamplay from the groups I have been in while playing on SAES RPG. I live by the quote "Do your best or dont do it at all", which means that every time I commit to something, I commit 110% and does that to the best of my abilities. This can both be seen as a weakness (as I always have high expectations to myself and my work) and as a strength. I definitely see it as a strength as it means that every time I do something it nearly turns out to my advantage and always something I can look back on and be proud of. Other than that, I am a really helpful person, because of that I always try to help the people who seek my help to the best of my abilities. I see that as an important strength within the staff as the staff is all about helping the players on the server making sure they have a nice stay. The last strength I want to present in the application is that through my stay on the server for over 8 years I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge about the game and the server itself, which definitely would come in handy as a community staff member, as I would be able to help the players a lot and also spread my knowledge.

Your weaknesses:
Everybody has weakness and I am not an exception. Mine is that when I set my mind to something I commit to that 100%, and that can sometimes make me not realize other stuff around me as my focus is on the goal and to complete the task I have been giving.

Preferred Position (CS/SAHA):
Community Staff

Do you have Discord Installed:
Yes, I doo

Reason for application:
I have always wanted to join the staff team as I want to give something to the community who has given me so much! I have been playing on this server for a long time, and therefore think its time to try something else and to have something else to do when I log in. I think I could contribute and help the community because as I stated before, I have a long history on the server and therefore a lot of experience which make me fit right in the team.

Server Memberships:
SWAT | DE | Taxi el Centrino | Cuban Cars | ZIP |

Additional information:
I thought about writing about me, my life, what I do for work and so on, but I came to the conclusion that honestly who cares? However, I have an important subject that I want to bring up.

I know that one of the biggest issues regarding my application is going to be my recent inactivity and I think the best way for me is to be completely open, honest and face the situation head on and therefore not hide that fact. Yes I have been inactive for a while (came back a bit under a month ago) for different reasons, mainly just that adulthood happened so I had a lot of things to fix + I moved around a lot, but I can honestly say that all is done now and I am back active and I plan it to stay that way. To join the staff team has always been a thing I have aimed for on SAES and I hope my recent inactivity wont stand in my way.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server:
None (Cant remember any at least)

Previous (legitimate) bans:

Do you eat pork:
Yes, I do.

Thank you for reading
Best regards

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Thank you for your interest in joining the CS team.

On behalf of the management team we'd like to thank you for your interest in joining CS staff. We have reviewed the applications for the position of Community Staff and have chosen to proceed with a few of them. We regret to inform you we will not proceed with yours.

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