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inventory system for drugs


9 answers to this question

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@Elyeso I think this topic should belong to https://saesrpg.uk/category/31/server-script-suggestions-bug-reporting

As this forum section is for server rules and not script changes I guess

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Drugs isn't really a consumable in the current state of SAES. So it would also have to rehaul everything around it.

But a general inventory system with more then just drugs but also consumables would be sick

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If yall can carry speed, cops should be able to carry energy drinks. Simple as that. Doesn't mean i agree with the suggestion, since the entire server will always be on drugs.

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if drugs in bagpack or disc doesent matter, thats way to much, would more like suggest remoove vending machienes from hospitals wich made alrdy an huge step backwards + making gangs sell only one thing, but i guess saes mens cant get alrdy enough drugs in real life..

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yeah I'd agree with Bartman, this will affect more the game. rather keep things simple than just complicating them. only if it could be like it was before no machines.

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