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Skinner's Application for Community Staff

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Your ingame username: ItzSpicey
Your ingame alias: LE>Skinner
Your year of birth: 26/08/2003
Your gender: male

Nationality: Greece
Country of residence: Greece

How long you have been playing SAES: 2 years and some months btw very before long arround at 2009 untill 2011 i was playning then get inactive and i just return at somewhere at 2018
Qualities you can offer: i can offer my knowledge about all Server Rules to be help full and nice to other community and loyalty & Respect i like to help people and arleady im doing it if i can to help them with something who they need help
Your weaknesses: my weakness is that who i cant speak enought good english and my very very old story who i was had in saes when i was newbie and i wont to hide that before i apply for Staff i get worried for my old story i talked with some of my friends who they know me from alot of long and they said you have change alot and we think you can try, and well here i'm i

Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): i will like to become staff

Do you have Discord Installed: Yes

Reason for application: well i tryning to help some people who in server with anything i can do as normal guy giving them information for wat they need help giving them money houses who they have need to get something i really like to help people who they have need my help and if i become staff i will come help them with alot of more things and that will make me alot of happy i like to helping people i really like that and enjoyning it

Server Memberships: i'm Centrino Member and i'm HQ in Los Escondidos rn.

Additional information:Hello my name is Dimitris i'm 16 years old i playning on this server since my (13 years old) i was never had get inactive on the server i really like this Server and his community i'm tryning my best to be nice with others and with the people i like to helping guys who they need help on the saes and if i can to help i'm tryning with it i have help alot of guy rn i like to helping the people and i enjoyning that i like to making happy others and i feel bad and i'm sorry if i was had doing at any one anything who he was not like it and if any1 will need help with anything just try to Pm me on Discord or ingame and i will try to help him out <3 (Discord Skinner#0683) (Ingame LE>Skinner) have fun arround guys i hope you the best you are the best community who i have meet and saes is the best server and at MTA i playning only saes i dont like the other servers i playning saes for the community for nothing much cause i got friends and i like the people here.
Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: some adminjails and some mutes not much btw they are arround at 20-30 inside in 3 years and with adminjails max 10 i think
Previous (legitimate) bans: Yes, just only 1 well when i was newbie they told me for a way who i can earn money i was newbie and i was like to try on it well i scammed a guy who his name is Bazuka i'm really sorry for it he reported me on forums and one admin was dealing with it and i was lying to the admin and to the Bazuka ik i act really dumb and bad after from when i get unbanned i was feeling so bad and sad cause of my actions and i swear i will never never doing that again and i will never get any punishment,ban never again!.

Do you eat pork:I Don't cause i dont like it

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Thank you for your interest in joining the CS team.

On behalf of the management team we'd like to thank you for your interest in joining CS staff. We have reviewed the applications for the position of Community Staff and have chosen to proceed with a few of them. We regret to inform you we will not proceed with yours.

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