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Document Date: The 20th of June, 2020.

People Involved: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Sanfara, sushi, C|Doogle, A07|Fondy.

Filip Mongomri
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Detailed Informations
Name: Filip Mongomri
Age: 35
Place of Birth: Classified
Additional Informations: Officer Mongomri is a member of Los Santos Police Department since 4 years, he has taken some special trainings for serious jobs like this one, he wanted to help us in this secret job, he gave us the names of the suspects and their current identities.

Zane Jackson
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Detailed Informations
Name: Zane Jackson
Age: 25
Place Of Birth: Classified
Additional Informations: Officer Jackson is one of Intellegence Agents in this team, he is leading the whole case since 3 months, trying to solve it. He has finished his education in the University of Germany.

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Detailed Information:
Name: Aria Mell
Age: 28
Place of Birth: the USA, Pennsylvania
Additional Information: Her serving in The Royals was appreciated by most of the high ranking agents within the bureau. Her experience in pursuit cases was known so she was deployed one of the agents for this case.

Detailed Informations regarding the case: Officer Filip told us about these two criminals and told us about their plan, explained us their goal and showed us their distination, both of them went to buy some arms and weapons from the Ammu Nation at downtown Los Santos.
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Sometime later, e spotted them near the bank. We had to follow them till they reach their destination, We were 4 sitting in the car, had to keep some space between our unit and their car.
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Destination reached, they parked the car and started talking, making their next plan ready in the meanwhile. We had to rush, it was the right time for us.
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We handcuffed them, me and my partner, then we called for backup, waited for the enforcer to come and pick them up. We took them both to the LSPD.
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There, we put them in cells, had to keep them there for some time till they get judged in the court.
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Document Date: The 13th of May, 2020

People Involved: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|Tiesto, Royal|Rafael

Aaron Cann

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Detailed Information:
Name: Aaron Cann
Age: 29
Place of Birth: United States of America, Connecticut
Additional Information: Aaron Cann has graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with the highest degree on Information Technology branch. With his endless experience and skills on the branch, Aaron helps The Royals with whatever they need related Information Technology. He was assigned to this case for this reason.

Ryan Wilson

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Ryan Wilson is the head of The Royals, the head of the Intelligence and Undercover units. He was deployed in this case as he has resolved such cases many times in the past till now. Ryan has taken his team of full time trained and experienced agents and took the responsibility to make the ambush to the said location.

Detailed Information:
Name: Ryan Wilson
Age: 32
Place of Birth: CLASSIFIED
Additional Information: CLASSIFIED

Donald Woods

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Detailed Information:
Name: Donald Woods
Age: 22
Place of Birth: United States of America, California
Additional Information: Donald was being spectated by the agents of The Royals. After several suspicious phone calls with an unknown phone number, Royals started to track him.

Detailed information regarding the case After these phone calls were made, Royals Intelligence Unit informed field agents to perform and ambush at the said location. Phone calls were made because of a huge amount of drug transportation.
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After the field agents came to the location, they have spotted a truck and some kind of a hideout. They informed Top Brass about the situation and ordered to breach to the location given.
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After the order, they went near the hideout with sneaky steps to avoid any detection by the suspects. They wanted to make it a pure gank to catch everything at the place.
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After they went inside, they found a huge amount of drugs and several magazines at the place. They took everything out of the place, arrested the suspect and destroyed the stuff found at the place.


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Type of the event: Last Woman Standing
Date of the event: 21 / 06 / 2020
Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews
Prize of the event: 1.000.000$
Winner of the event: RikKi
Screens of the event:


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Type of the event: Climb the Mount Chillad
Date of the event: 21 / 06 / 2020
Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews
Prize of the event: 1.000.000$
Winner of the event: M4ski
Screens of the event:


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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|FTH, Royal|sushii
Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling, Responding SR calls, VIP transportation and activity.
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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|FTH, Royal|Guard, Royal|Sanfara, Royal|sushii
Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling, VIP transportation and activity.
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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|sushii
Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling, VIP transportation and activity.
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Type of the event: Carshow Event
Date of the event: 25 / 06 / 2020
Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews
Prize of the event: 1st: 500k; the other two winners: 250k each
Winner of the event: 1st: Bodo, the other two winners: zK98 & Ram
Screens of the event:


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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Guard, Royal|Ikillyou
Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling and activity.
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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou Royal|FTH, Royal|pub, Royal|Sanfara
Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling, VIP transportation, responding to SR calls and activity.
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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou Royal|Guard, Royal|pub,
Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling and activity.
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Bonus: Discord activity of us during the patrol.
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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ikillyou Royal|Guard, Royal|pub,
Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling, VIP transportation, responding SR calls and activity.
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Type of the event: Chicken Arrest
Date of the event: 01 / 07 / 2020
Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews
Prize of the event: 1.000.000$
Winner of the event: Max
Screens of the event:

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Type of the event: Land on my DFT
Date of the event: 01 / 07 / 2020
Hoster of the event: Royal|Matthews
Prize of the event: 1.000.000$
Winner of the event: M7md, Kaioshin, honer, Flippy
Screens of the event:

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