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Involved Agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Ikillyou,Royal|Guard, Royal|Doom & Royal|Curvy, Royal|Narcilius, Royal|FTH, Royal|jamal & Royal|Max
Type Of The Activity: Patrolling around San Andreas, And Stopping Store Robberies.

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Type Of The Activity: San Fierro Bank, 0/8 (PBR)
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Type Of The Activity: Patrolling around Los Santos, Las Venturas & Whetstone
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Type of the activity: Jail break
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Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence.
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Involved agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Doom, Royal|Narcilius
Type of the activity: Store Robbery Defence.
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Involved Agents: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Ricard, Royal|Doom, Royal|Narcilius, Royal|Max
Type Of The Activity: Patrolling around Las Venturas & Los Santos
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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Doom, Royal|Haze
Type of the activity: VIP Transportation.
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Involved Agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Doom, Royal|Haze
Type Of The Activity: Patrolling around Los Santos

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