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Type of the event: Chicken Shooter
Date of the event: 04 / 07 / 2020
Hoster of the event: RoyalGuard
Prize of the event: 1.000.000$
Winner of the event: Henry
Screens of the event: https://imgur.com/a/eIrfbIz

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Involved agents: Royal|Richard, Royal|Matthews, Royal|Guard, Royal|pub
Type of the activity: Mixed patrolling, VIP transportation, responding to SR calls, jailbreak defence and activity.
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Bonus: Discord activity during the patrol:
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Document Date: The 7th of July, 2020.

People Involved: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Guard, Royal|Pub

Christopher Woods
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Detailed Informations
Name: Christopher Woods
Age: 27
Place of Birth: Canada, Ottawa
Additional Informations: Agent Woods is one of the best agents in the bureau and been trained for special investigation and operations. He also experienced in crime scene Investigation.

Zane Jackson
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Detailed Informations
Name: Zane Jackson
Age: 25
Place Of Birth: Classified
Additional Informations: Officer Jackson is one of Intellegence Agents in this team, he is leading the whole case since 3 months, trying to solve it. He has finished his education in the University of Germany.

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Detailed Information:
Name: Aria Mell
Age: 28
Place of Birth: the USA, Pennsylvania
Additional Information: Her serving in The Royals was appreciated by most of the high ranking agents within the bureau. Her experience in murder cases was known and he deployed to this case.

Detailed Information regarding the case: After several suspicious moves by people that Royal was tracking, a murder call has been made by the Bone County Sheriffs. It was actually not a simple murder but a planned terrorist action. Royal has deployed the best agents to the case and sent a team to the said location.
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After glancing at the crime scene, they have seen several weapons and a briefcase at the scene. The organization wanted to leave a message, they thought.
After wearing the necessary equipment, they went down.
Aria Mell started to take photos of the crime scene then Agent Woods started to collect the evidence that the organization has left. In meanwhile, fingerprints have taken from the weapons then packed in a proof bag.
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After all, stuff packed and put to the car. Evidences have been sent to our Intelligence Unit and fingerprints have been checked at our laboratory.
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Document Date: The 9th of July, 2020.

People Involved: Royal|Matthews, Royal|Richard, Royal|Guard, Royal|Ikillyou, Royal|Pub

~[John Turner]~(red)
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Detailed Informations
Name: John Turner
Age: 40
Place of Birth: The USA, Phoenix
Additional Information: Officer Turner has served the LSPD for a long time. But after investigating the officer, Royal Agents caught a lot of lawlessness he has been doing such as bribery and malpractices.

Sett Sanders
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Detailed Informations
Name: Sett Sanders
Age: Classified
Place Of Birth: Classified
Additional Informations: Agent Senders is the leader of Undercover unit and been in really tough missions.

Richard Fenske
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Detailed Informations
Name: Richard Fenske
Age: 26
Place Of Birth: UK, South Hampton
Additional Informations: Agent Hampton is one of the experienced and long-lasting agents of the Royals Undercover Unit, that's why he was deployed for this case.

Christopher Woods
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Detailed Informations
Name: Christopher Woods
Age: 27
Place of Birth: Canada, Ottawa
Additional Information: Agent Woods is one of the best agents in the bureau and been trained for special investigation and operations. He also experienced in crime scene Investigation.

Zane Jackson
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Detailed Informations
Name: Zane Jackson
Age: 25
Place Of Birth: Classified
Additional Informations: Officer Jackson is one of Intelligence Agents in this team, he is leading the whole case for 3 months, trying to solve it. He has finished his education at the University of Germany.

Detailed Information regarding the case: One of our undercover agents was in the track of a corrupted police officer. The Royals HQ was aware of the case but was seeking for the best opportunity and timing to take an action.
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Our undercover agent offered the corrupted police officer a huge amount of money to wipe the evidence off regarding a crime. The police officer accepted this offer without even thinking or hesitating. Then he wiped the evidence of the crime and took a short clip as he was on action to provide the validation of the wipe of the evidence. Afterwards, he contacted our undercover agent to meet up somewhere silent and unknown as they were about to get the deal off.
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Royals' Intelligence and Undercover Units were aware of this meeting and they had already set the necessary equipment.
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After the deal, the corrupted police left the scene with the briefcase full of money and Royal Units started a pursuit on his car. The pursuit resulted well without anything wrong and the police officer was brought to the court of law.
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