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Event type: rock paper scissors
LWS/G6: @Cornelius
Prize: 1.000.000$
Winners: @Murtaza
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qXXHeAK


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Road Trip 4/4/2020

@Cornelius @Haze @Sanya @Pogo @Hassanson @Mura @Leks and some more + some of GJMC members as well @Ragnax @Olifant @Toni

At the Groove Street Bar
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/IrcOFzI

Showing off a little at LVX
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Roleplay number 1

Roleplay name: -

Participants: Cornelius, Sanyok, Medo.



@protonyt said in Comando da Capital Media Center:

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  • Participants: @Cornelius @Sanyok @Medo12

  • Story: While i was chilling in base i got a call from some friends, said they wanted to buy some drugs from us, i had no problem with that so i asked for the location they want the drugs to be delivered to, but instead they insisted that they come and take it by themselves and thats when i felt something suspicious going on but i ignored it and waited at base. 30 mins has passed and i started hearing some bikes approaching the base so i stood up from my chair and went to the gates to welcome them. They got in and we talked for a bit, they seemed weird somehow i dont know even how to explain it but i did ignore it and went to show them our drugs and thats when they asked me if they can talk to each others alone for a moment so i went outside smoked a cigarette then i went back inside to discuss the price with them and thats when they pulled out their guns at me, at that situation i had nothing to do so they were 3 and armed while i was alone and unarmed so i let them take them in peace so now one gets hurt.

  • Screenshots:

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Roleplay number 2

Roleplay name: Niggahs' shits n' Dirty steals

Participants: -



@Petrow said in Hell Soldiers | Media Archive:

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Roleplay #13 - Niggahs' shits n' Dirty steals.
Once again there was something dirty going on outside and how can a member of the gang Hell Soldiers miss something like that? Of course, I immediately got nottified by outsiders and without thinking much I prepared cuz I heard it is something huge once again. The rookies also known as Horrific Reapers MC were about to repair a car that had tons of expensive and meaningful material that belongs to Hell Solldiers. We left the house and we head to the given location. The Hell Soldiers members were very organised from every point of view so the most experienced one told the others when and how to do. Although the bikers were not careful. They stoped for a break after working hard on the car fixing its engine etc.. and that is what HS was waiting for. They took the oppurtinuty like every other experienced gang would do. Petrow got into the car and headed to the base where he would unload the material and store it up for future needs. The bikers started chasing him but the other Hell Soldiers did their job and stoped them before they even realised.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sBnGVqm



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Roleplay number 3

Roleplay name: -

Participants: -



@CrazyDusty said in GXT - Official Media Archive:

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Roleplay : 46
Scenario: So it was a nice sunny saturday and I get a call from horrific reapers Motorcycle Club.They said that they wanted some bikes because they were running out of theirs. So I got to work and started my way to where we were going to meet.When I came to thier location we greet eachother and checked out the bikes.Not too long after he payed me how much I wanted and I was off too a great start of the day.

ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/YWOFXVo




Roleplay number 2#

Roleplay name: - Dealing Freeway Bike

Participants: Medo - SWT

Story: At this Day i was driving my bike around SA and checking if any one need help how to drive bike freeway or any one want repair his bike because i am very pro in Bikes freeway but after 30 mins no one called me so i went to my base and i was very tired and i got some drugs in base and i wanted to go around SA again but in moment some one called me on my phone and he said he want very good Bike freeway from HRMC so fast i went to my base again and i got best bike and i moved to SoA base because he said he is waiting me there after 1 hour i arrived to there with new bike and we talked in base and he wanted to check his bike freeway and i did it and he was very happy and he wanted to drive and try it some mins around his base so he drived it and we stopped to get my Money so he put the money in his car and he came to our base and i wanted to check for my money and its was very nice offer and he took his bike and run away thats all.




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Roleplay number 5

Roleplay name: -

Participants: - HRMC, IAC, Leb



@gunslinger said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive: > alt text
Participants: Me, pressmaster(hoster), @Leb @Cornelius @Sanyok and others
Story: Horrific Reapers Motorcycle Club contacted with IAC and asked to develop a silenced gun for their group. I discussed it with IAC engineers and together we decided to produce a Silenced Sniper Rifle, by modifying existent rifle. After developing this rifle i've tested it myself on Shooting range and later invited HRMC guys to make new rifle test themselves. Me and @Leb have build a mobile office for meeting with HRMC, place for loading guns and a shooting range in same area. Later HRMC have arrived i presented a new Silenced Sniper Rifle to them, they were very excited to see it and wanted to test it in the action. We left the office, came to Shooting range and fired few rounds with new rifle. HRMC guys were satisfied with shooting results of this gun and decided to sign a contract with IAC for supplying them with a party of these rifles.
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