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[SUGGESTION] Name tags



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After the new name tags, we noticed many problems and we wanted to report this in the hope that they will solve them.

First of all, names and hps do can't appear after a distance of 70 meters with the sniper.

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This tags will be very troublesome in turfs. Let's say people from 2 sides came with a turf jail skin, it will be impossible to distinguish them and there will be confusion in turfs.

At the same time, the cops will be difficult to distinguish the star levels between criminals and the name, because the names seem to be united

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For corner shots, we cannot see hp after a certain part of the player's body.

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The criminals gathered for Bank rob cant see the player names of the players who board the plane, so the players who hit the plane with "CTRL - TAB" become undetectable.

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Also, if you take the Mta under of your screen and come back to the game, you cannot see the name tags and hps.

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Players within the tag system's visibility range disappear when I tab out of MTA, but the tags re appear if I get far from them then come back

Edit: Also health bars tend to get generally bugged when I tab out, they disappear and idk how to get them back

Edit 2: nametag used to appear on a player that's far away if you aim down at him with sniper, that doesn't happen anymore https://i.imgur.com/HUP3PDh.png

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@Soul said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

@Spicey said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

@Soul said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

@Spicey said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

bring back the old tags what the fuck is this new bullshit

this new bullshit will get fixed, and we will stop crying about performance issues.

i was never had problem with FPS drops so idc about it ;v

just put it as a MOD who we can close and open it with using M>Mods

You haven't been in a BR plane with 40 people then ;)

or 90+ : D but its fixed now
also make option m-pannel "use old/use new nametags" = all happy

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@NanoBob I dont have any MTA language experience, only web languages but im questioning myself a thing;

How does this Name stay ontop of the player? Using a FollowPlayer function or such? or does the name relocate itself ontop of the player every 0.2 second? The last thing could be a FPS killer. But then again, I dont have any experience with coding outside websites, so I could be saying bullshit here! Just wondering how your script works.

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@MatizZ said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

@Exile said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

@MatizZ I agree whole heartedly, make the name tag system similar to 2013/14s and make it so that the stars is also in the nametag,but has a gold color code :)

Yeah that would be good, dunno if its possible.
Also found this: As you see admins got special tags :d
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these tags are the one meant to be implemented , perfectly worked back then

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@NanoBob said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

If you find any issues could you please describe exactly how to reproduce them, and what you would like the behaviour to be.

Here's a list of things I'll look into changing:

  • Seperate wanted level, give it a bit of a color

  • Make health bar visible when nametag is visible

  • Increase nametag range when aiming with a weapon

  • Look into issue with players in the back of airplanes

Some issues i'm encountering with my resolution (2560 x 1440)

  • Missing nametag when weapon is aimed at someone (E.g. Sniper zoom)

  • Name is hardly readable from more then 50m(Not exact)

  • Name looks like it tears when moving (Could be due to text shadow)

  • Overall the small letterspacing makes it harder to read

  • The text shadow also makes it harder to read certain names when you are close to someone. Something about it is just unpleasant to the eye.

And maybe an extra QoL improvement: An 'afk' tag (or a special character when his MTA window is out of focus

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I want to propose that 0 stars stay white or don't show and for people that actually have stars to make it yellow, this will help us cops distinguish who has stars and who doesn't. I accidentally shot a car with 4 guys thinking they had stars and i couldn't see who had stars and who didn't, making 0 stars white would help distinguish guys with stars. Thank u for reading :hearts:

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@jonathan959 said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

I want to propose that 0 stars stay white or don't show and for people that actually have stars to make it yellow, this will help us cops distinguish who has stars and who doesn't. I accidentally shot a car with 4 guys thinking they had stars and i couldn't see who had stars and who didn't, making 0 stars white would help distinguish guys with stars. Thank u for reading :hearts:

hard agree

making the colour of wanted stars something which is not variable is very bad quality of life

we went from having everyone with white wanted levels, making everyone look like they're unwanted to having everyone yellow and looking wanted

the old system where the colour of your wanted level was dictated by that wanted level, ie. >0 stars = yellow <0 = white, was better.


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@Patrick said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

@NanoBob I dont have any MTA language experience, only web languages but im questioning myself a thing;

How does this Name stay ontop of the player? Using a FollowPlayer function or such? or does the name relocate itself ontop of the player every 0.2 second? The last thing could be a FPS killer. But then again, I dont have any experience with coding outside websites, so I could be saying bullshit here! Just wondering how your script works.

The nametags use MTA's dxDraw functions, these are functions that need to be called every frame in order to draw a piece of text. And every frame you specify the position for it.
This position is then calculated every frame (every 16.67 milliseconds on 60FPS) by getting the position of a ped's bone (head for nametag, stomach for health bar) and then using and MTA function to transform that to a 2D position on screen (likely done using projection matrices).

This is the only way you could make a nametag that properly follows the player, if you were to not do that every frame it would look like utter shite. But thanks for the interest and thoughts.

@Ikzelf said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

Some issues i'm encountering with my resolution (2560 x 1440)

  • Missing nametag when weapon is aimed at someone (E.g. Sniper zoom)

  • Name is hardly readable from more then 50m(Not exact)

  • Name looks like it tears when moving (Could be due to text shadow)

  • Overall the small letterspacing makes it harder to read

  • The text shadow also makes it harder to read certain names when you are close to someone. Something about it is just unpleasant to the eye.

And maybe an extra QoL improvement: An 'afk' tag (or a special character when his MTA window is out of focus

  • I'll increase the range for the player you're targeting

  • What would you suggest to resolve the readability after 50m, simply increasing the size or would you rather get rid of the shadows?

  • Detecting whether a player's window is in focus is not possible, all we could do is handle minimizing, which would only work for people who use fullscreen MTA. (However will look into it, since it seems like a relatively easy fix)

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@NanoBob said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

  • What would you suggest to resolve the readability after 50m, simply increasing the size or would you rather get rid of the shadows?

I wouldn't know. Guess locking the font size to at least a minimum (which is readable) could help so the distance only scales between the maximum and minimum. But then again it might only be an issue on high resolution screens and less on lower (I dunno). I think this is best to try out some different approaches and just test them out, see what improves.

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Several more updated and fixes were done. Please let me know of any other issues you encounter (So far all I've heard of is one where they appear in the corner of your screen, still looking into that)

But since you guys wanted it, you can now also opt out of these nametags, and go back to the old crappy ones.
You can do this by doing /oldnametags.

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