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Just to keep you guys aware.

I've added additional resources to the machine that runs the MTA server.

I've also been looking at our monitoring service which captures all the usage data for the server, the server itself even before I added the additional resources was running comfortably and there are no apparent network or CPU spikes which would indicate this lag is being caused by the server.

This would indicate the spike is more than likely happening in one or more client-sided scripts, we will be trying to track this down in the next few days but if you do experience this tonight when the server is busier, can you please reply to this topic which what you remember doing at the time and what's currently showing up on chat, topbar, was an event starting or anything else etc......

6 answers to this question

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Quick feedback:
During BR organisation - 40 people in plane with HUD enabled = 15-20 FPS for everyone (couple of people even timed out) when /saeshud is done to remove HUD (mainly nametags) FPS is fine.

P.S: I know you guys are aware of nametags issue, however, mentioning it again so the script eventually gets looked into and the issue is solved

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I myself noticed that once the server reaches more than 150 players, I seem to get a lag spike everytime a SR / VIP occurs. Not sure if more people experience this tho.

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Should be better since Nanobob has optimised the nametags (they are still WIP) so please report any issues you see with them as per: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16902/suggestion-name-tags/10

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How has the server been the last few days?

As you are aware, we've moved our services to a new dedicated machine at OVH and I've been investigating and changing additional configurations for the MTA server itself.

Please only comment if you have played in the last two days:

  • Has the "lag" reduced? (Not including gang bases loading or people abusing a VPN to make their ping skyrocket during events, hence rule 18 being introduced)

  • Is the crouch bug still present?

  • Anything else you feel like we should be made aware of?

Please don't use this thread as a place to bitch and whine, I want detailed feedback which can help me to help you. (eg "I lag when I join SAES but not any other server" as a reply isnt helpful).

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C bug changed for sure. Last few days since then I havent seen anyone C bugging while using crouch. So it works normal like it used to.

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Didn't notice any change about lag. When many players are at the same place FPS drops are still going on. At least for me.
About C bug it's completely fixed finally without any issues.

  • If you manage to fix the sync when we're shooting the gameplay experience gonna improve at the very high

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