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TXN ID: 02G179609N496872Y

Donation Amount: 20.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

  1. Ingame cash: $4.000.000

  2. Ingame Donator Spawn: Donated 20 GBP the other time: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1381/donation-bart-amount-20-00-gbp

  3. Vehicles (TBA)

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.

@Brophy confirm please


Hi @Bart thanks for your donation! :D

Sorted the following (for now):

  • Money reward of 4,000,000$ sorted in-game.

  • Added to donator group in-game. Added to donator group here at forums. To get donator group at SAES:RPG's discord ask a SAES HQ member to add you. If you ain't part of SAES:RPG's discord you can join it by using this invitation link which expires in 1 day: "https://discord.gg/CCyCqY".

Edit your topic when you can and request the 2 vehicles you'd like to get as donations and the locations. You can get 1 free generic wraps in each of them btw.

As you've donated a total of 40 GBP (and in the older donation you didn't request an interior in 1 of your properties as donation reward... you can get now 2 small interiors in 2 of your properties or 1 large interior in 1 of your properties.

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