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Part I:

How much have you donated for the server - 60 GBP

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change - I don't even remember because I've been inactive for longer than 2-4 years, just joining sometimes to look what's new, all the vehicles got removed same as the properties, I've lost it all :)

Why do you need to change the location: because there is no "current" location, everything got removed, I am bought new house in Los Santos and wanted to move everything I could right there.

Links to your donation topics: it's all supposed to be in archive, but I couldn't find it, looking for 30 mins already, tired. My profile in previous web-site, archive one, says that I've donated 60 GBP and this is me obviously, couple of admins could proove it. The same account in-game.

Links to your previous donation changes requests: old and gone deep dark in archive web-site.

Part II: What I Want to be Removed - there is nothing to remove.

Part III: What I Want to be Added

Vehicle 1: Black Stratum with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas,
Vehicle 2: Black Hotring Racer with V8 and the same red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas,
Vehicle 3: Black Apha with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas
Vehicle 4: Black Turismo with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas
Vehicle 5: Black Landstalker with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas
Vehicle 6: NRG-500 black. Lock to: jiom, igthomas

Located vehicles should be placed like this

Location is my house:

house with adredd

Username: jiom and could you please add me to donator spawn.

Interior: requesting to add interior to my only house "9 East Beach" that located in Los Santos, nearby Stadium, large one number 22.


@Lumen said in Lumen's Reward Change:

Vehicle 1: Black Stratum with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas,
Vehicle 2: Black Hotring Racer with V8 and the same red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas,
Vehicle 3: Black Apha with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas
Vehicle 4: Black Turismo with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas
Vehicle 5: Black Landstalker with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas
Vehicle 6: NRG-500 black. Lock to: jiom, igthomas

Those are added, donator being "jiom"

Added "jiom" to donator spawn

Large interior 22 placed at 9 East Beach
Large interior 23 placed at "ls uber orange home"

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