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~[Note : Only Freedom Fighters members are allowed to post here!]~(red)
~[Welcome to Freedom Fighters Official Media Archive, Here you should find our latest activities.]~(lime)
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Total RP done: 3

Total Event Hosted: 5

Total Activities: 6
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Roleplay Format:


=RP Number=
RP title :
Participants :
Gangs/Squads/Companies :
Story and Screenshots :


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Event Format:


=Event Number=
Event Type :
Event Price :
Event Winner :
Event LWS/G6 :
Screenshots :


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Activity Format :


=Activity Number=
Activity Type :
Freedom Fighter Members :
Time :
Screenshots :


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-Event No 1-
Event Type : LMS
Event Price : 1.000.000
Event Winner : @Crank
Event LWS/G6 : @Strong
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/zPUvYEf


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-Activity Number 1-
Activity Type: Store Robberrie
Freedom Fighter Members: @arone @Pump @flappppyyy @lily_77 @MrDeathBoy @Bernasx @K2rhym
Date: 24/07/2018
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-Activity Number 2-
Activity Type: Jail Break
Freedom Fighter Members: Seth
Date: 24/07/2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/knT1HwI


-Activity Number 3-
Activity Type: Public Bank Robbery, Store robbery, jailbreak
Freedom Fighter Members: @arone @lily_77 @MrDeathBoy @andre, @warwick @abody @Rowdy35 @KARIM @Reus
Date: 25/07/2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mvt1Gkb


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-Activity Number 4-
Activity Type: Store Robberries, LS PBR, Jailbreak
Freedom Fighter Members: @arone @Gelbert @Andre @KARIM @Warwick @Seth
Date: 26/07/2018
ScreenShots :


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-Event No 3-
Event Type : Reach money bags
Event Price : 7.000.000
Event Winner : @PeaCe which is Rikki
Event LWS/G6 : @M7mod
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/GkM9ul4


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=RP Number=1
RP title : Smuggling with CDC & O
Participants : @Andre @moenesmjaid @reus @Nirjhor @PeaCe
Gangs/Squads/Companies : CDC & O
Story and Screenshots : comando da capital (CDC) told us that they need some weapons so, we did our role and we gone to The Outfit (O) base and we asked @Nirjhor if he got some weapons and yeah! They got crates of AK-17 and ammo we told him how much we gonna pay sir? so @Nirjhor told us the weapons with 7 milliong & the ammo with 10 millions we accepted the price then we paid @Nirjhor 17Millions and drove the car to CDC's base @PeaCe checks the quality he liked it so, he tried them after this we told him that the price is 17 millions he accepted the price and we took the money bags. THE END



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=RP Number= 2
RP title : kidnapping
Participants : @Gohan @Andre @moenesmjaid @Reus @Dova

Gangs/Squads/Companies : SAFP
Story and Screenshots : arghh! SAFP know us (FF) but we dont know what they know about us so, we kidnapped a member of them (@Gohan) we chased him when he was patrolling around we shooted his tires and aimed on his face after that we told him to get in our car . he called backup from his friend at SFPD (@Dova) he chased us around SF we shooted his car and killed him @Gohan told us that Dova is he's favorite friend and he'll revenge after this we gone to the top MC we taked thier family picturs and saying bad words to them he told us that he'll say everything about the information does SAFP knows about us and he told that our members got arrested and now they're at los santos prison then we killed him...... and now we'll do a jail break .....

screenshoots : https://imgur.com/a/MLISE1L


-Activity Number 5-
Activity Type: Assisting Arms Assassins on their Bank robbery.
Freedom Fighter Members: @SQuiZo @Andre @Reus @flappppyyy @Lifeless @MrDeathBoy @moenesmjaid
Date: 31/07/2018
ScreenShots :


-Activity Number 6-
Activity Type: Public Bank robbery ( FF PBR ), Jailbreak
Freedom Fighter Members: @moenesmjaid @Arone @andre @lily_77 @dopeen @UrBan @Bernasx @doyle
Date: 01/08/2018
ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/DazsTiA

  • 3 weeks later...

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-Activity Number 7-
Activity Type: Bank Rob
Freedom Fighters Members: @arone @Pump @flappppyyy @Andre @hope @Lexus @Jamal @xDarkMan @XpookS
Date: 18/08/2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2bgYyq3


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=RP Number 3=
RP title : The fatest Store Rob
Participants : @Pump @Andre @Danger-tkd @xDarkMan @griltin@ @tiguan
Story : It was a nice day, all FFO members are in the base talking and thinking about a good operation that makes cops nervous so one of us said that the best way is to make a Store Rob and we steal all things with the money includes Foods .... etc. We thinked a lot but we found that this is the best way so we start getting ready we picked up our weapons and we start making a plan the Store was near a Police Departement so we need to be fast as we can and we are sure that will make the cops fear of us because a we have robed a store near a PD after 30m we puted a nice plan and we directly moved to Tierra Robada we NRGs and a Huntley we enterred the Store and we forced the worker to give us all the money and to open the room where he put every thing we fastly stealed foods .... we puted them in the huntley and we moved back to base this Store Rob tooked only 8m you can say it's the fatest store rob ever.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5GysCtc


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Activity Number 8
Activity Type: Store Rob
FFO Members: @SQuiZo @Pump @Andre @xDarkMan @Lexus @Arone @tiguan @griltin
Date: 22/08/2018
Screenshots: alt text


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-Activity Number 9-
Activity Type: Store Rob
FFO Members: @SQuiZo @Danger-tkd @Griffin @K2rhym @dopeen @Reus @Pump @flappppyyy
Date: 23/08/2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ckftB5i


-Event No 5-
Event Type : LMS
Event Price : 1.000.000
Event Winner : @Jizzy
Event LWS/G6 : @Castiel
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/f3wiKrA

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