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Current HQ Roster



SAES>Yoko [officialjosuea] Leader

Douglass [subkage] Vice Leader



Stay [stayalive] Special Operations Manager

Zodiac [klk12] Internal Affairs Manager

Colo [xxsouheilxx] External Affairs Manager

Judy [Judyes] Media Manager



 Leadership and General Management: SAES>Yoko

Internal and External Relationships: Colo

Inactivity Issues: SAES>Yoko

Monthly Activities/Jail King: Douglass, Stay, Judy

Internal and External Reports: Colo

Roster/Group/Forum Management: SAES>Yoko, Douglass

Recruitment: Douglass



Leadership and General Management: Technically the leader of the group, everything passes through the leader and Head of HQs. Management within the HQ team will forward major issues to the leader.

Internal and External Relationships: The one who's chosen to solve issues, problems, within the members of the group or outside in order to maintain order and a great relationship.

Inactivity Issues: Who's in charge of the inactivity issues among the group, any inactivity issue, coming back or anything related should be forwarded to this person before even heading to the leader.

Monthly Activities/Jail King: The one and only in charge of the monthly activity report forwarded to our beloved GM team, also in charge of our monthly contest the Jail King.

Internal and External Reports: The one in charge of dealing with reports, valid reports to our members, either internal or external.

Roster/Group/Forum Management: Who's in charge of the roster and forum management in general within the forums.

Recruitment:The ones selected to lead the recruitment.



Please be advised to forward your questions, concerns or reports to the HQs. Our HQ swill let us know and we will gladly assist!



Edited by Yoko
New management
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