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TXN ID: 9YY711658W623880U

Donation Amount: 30.00GBP

Requested Awards:

Vehicle Type: Picador
Vehicle Colour: #2C6212
Specify any upgrades: V8+AWD
Usernames to lock: lollie519
Where you want it placed: Z base garage

Vehicle Type: Turismo
Vehicle Colour: #2C6212
Specify any upgrades: V8+AWD
Usernames to lock: lollie519
Where you want it placed: Z base garage

Vehicle Type: Journey
Vehicle Colour: #2C6212
Specify any upgrades: V8+AWD
Usernames to lock: lollie519
Where you want it placed: Z base garage

Interior: Large interior 25


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Cash rewarded
lollie519 added to donator spawn ingame
Turismo, journey & picador placed inside Z base, locked to 'lollie519'

Thank you for donating!

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