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This is our Media archive here you can find our Roleplay,Activity and events!

I will give Formats here you need only to copy and past it and also of course fill it up!



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Roleplay #Number:
Rented Car Name:




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Activity #Number:




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Event #Number:
Event Type:



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Roleplay #Number: 1
Rented Car Name: Cheetah
Participants: @Rayder
I was working normally looking at the cars that were rented and the cars that were available for rent mostly doing inventory when a mechanic walked through the door.
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He told me he wanted to go on vacation to the beach with his girlfriend and wanted to rent a car for 3 days and told me he was undecided whether to rent a motorcycle or a sports car.
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I took him to see the models available for cars and motorcycles on the way to see them and he told me he wanted something comfortable to impress his girlfriend He liked the Cheetah but still told me he wanted to see the bikes so I took him to the third floor where the motorcycles were.
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He liked the FreeWay and it was time to decide and told me that the car he liked the most and that he would like to go is the Cheetah Then I escorted him downstairs to pay and we did the paperwork and I gave him the keys, signed the documents and left the car outside.
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I showed him the engine and the suitcase and everything put that and the signed papers I left it down and gave him the vehicle we asked for the location and he said he went to the beach in Santa Monica.
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And then we said goodbye and he left.
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Happier Customer.


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Roleplay #Number: 2
Rented Bike Name: Sanchez
Story: I was working as usual and someone called me on the phone was a customer who wanted to rent a car told me that he saw the ad on the internet I gave him the address and arrived 30 minutes later.
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We started talking and he told me that he was looking to rent a car at a good price and he didn't really know what he was looking for if he wanted a motorcycle or a car Then I told him the details of the cars and motorcycles.
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After that I took him to see the vehicles available for rent and he called the attention of the Convertible but told me that he would be in the field so he wanted a motorcycle Then we go up to the next floor of the motorcycles.
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After that we decided on Sanchez because she adapted to any terrain so we went down to do the paperwork and the signature that the motorcycle was rented for 1 day.
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After that he made me deposit the money on the internet and I gave him the keys of the motorcycle and I solved a couple of doubts about the contract.
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After that we said goodbye and minutes later he left with the motorcycle.
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Roleplay #Number:3
Rented Car Name: RoadTrain
Participants: @hazy
Story:One day in the Morning @hazy was Open his Phone to see the Newspaper he saw Rent Service San andreas, then Hazy Call me Telling me that his RoadTrain impounded and he have to Get Money for it i Told him that there is a Red Roadtrain for Rent he told me we cant talk in the phone , he invite me to His House .
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I went to Hazy and he told me to Sit down we talk about the Truck he need to know some Details about it i told him its with V8 he need to see an Image for it i Open my phone and let him see the Truck .
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then he Went to his Room to Get the Money Bag and give me it and we went to the Garage and Get the Road train and he Test it and we talk about it and how much it can take then he Went to see the interior of the Car and the Wheels then he Rent it for 1 Month tell his Road Train fixed .alt text
then he Take the keys and Went to Engine the Truck and Test the Brake and etc. and he told me that he will take it and he took the Keys and Went away
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Rent Service San andreas.


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Roleplay #Number : 4
Rented Car Name: Alpha
Participants @Meliodas @PerroLoco

I was quietly working through the catalog of vehicles and motorcycles to rent until I got a call on the phone. He was a businessman who needed to rent a car to talk business in another city.
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After all the conversation we had over the phone I told him we had the rental services in San Fierro. He told me that he was still alive and then 45 minutes later he arrived. He told me he was in a hurry and wanted a fast sports car that was late. So he decided on the Alpha.
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He signed the papers and told me that he wanted delivery so I told him that he would be home in 20 minutes and he called a taxi and left.
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Then I checked the car, the brakes, the engine, the gas and all that. I put that on, it was all good, so I went to leave the car at your place. So I rushed over and went to his house.
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When he arrived, I waited for him and he arrived 3 minutes later he transferred the money to me and I gave him the money and he left for his meeting. After that I called a cab and went back to work.
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~[Rent Service San Andreas.]~(cyan,yellow,orange,red,green,yellow,lime,lime)

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