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Government | Working with The Cuban Embassy


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Dear Citizens of the United States of America,

Today I am proud to officially announce that the government will work together with the Cuban Embassy. This is to ensure the safety of the Cubans within our Country, as they have previously been targeted as malicious, freeloaders and much worse. It is time to end the brutal behavior between the Cubans and the Americans.

Please welcome Mr. Gill as a Special Advisor to myself and the President, Bob Russell. We are very proud to finally be able to publicly announce this.

We will be working very hard to ensure every Citizen of the United States of America is being treated with honor and respect. We all deserve this.

Thank you all.

God bless you and may God bless the United States of America!

Vice President of San Andreas,
Joshua Watson

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As the vice ambassador, I'd like to congratulate my colleague Mr.Gill on achieving the position of special advisor. Hopefully better times will follow for both of our great nations. We are looking forward to cooperate with the current government of San Andreas. More informations from our side will be revealed soon to the citizens of San Andreas.

Mr. Ventisca, Ambassador of Cuba

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As the dully appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba, I congratulate and cherish the decision of the President, Vice President and the Honorable Senators in normalizing the diplomatic relationships between our two countries.

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