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I'm stepping down from my position as an active saesHQ and retire.
The reason for this is the direction the clan and server is heading at combined with some people inside the management being biased and decide over things whilst they have no clue over what they are deciding at.
it dosnt feel like playing a game for fun anymore but more like a company business model, Where only a single opinion/vision matters.
During the decade being part of this clan i've met awesome people you.. yes you guys who are reading this and the lads who already chosen to walk the road of inactivity.
Its time for me to move along and make place for someone else, i hope to see Teddy and Mega9 becoming a member of the HQ team after me.
For the current HQ team i want to leave you a final suggestion... get your shit together and make players feel that they are worth it..

Times are changing in and around the community in a positive and negative way.
We find ourself lost with our minds on.. is it either going to be fair or not ? leading us to arguments and discussions frustrating each other ending up in insults and eventually, people will simply hate each other over what? a fucking videogame
Don't make it harder than it already is, Make love not war a man once said..
The thing i learned over the years is, don't be stubborn and biased because you only think is right
Care over the players make them feel being heard, Listen to their feedback and opinions even if they differ atleast give it a try and have a proper chat without measuring whos dick is the biggest or make a fool out of someone.
Players make or break the community listen to them and be open to discuss things even tho you dislike it dosnt mean the player base does, cherish what you have and find reasoning with each other.

Theres one more thing,
Dont be a tit and think logically


Good luck man also what you said its so true and I agree with you. Finally someone said it


Sad to see you go, Bone. We made have had our differences in the past, but I always had the utmost respect for you, and what you did for the community. I don't doubt one second that you making this call was the right call; that's what I have learned from you in the past - you do think before you act.

See you around.


don't be stubborn and biased because you only think is right

Care over the players make them feel being heard, Listen to their feedback and opinions even if they differ atleast give it a try and have a proper chat without measuring whos dick is the biggest or make a fool out of someone.


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You could do like half of the other admins givin no fuck about anything and enjoying the abusing power but you choosed the hard way man .its really sad to see an admin like you after those years giving up ( or force to give up ) like this .


Sad to see someone who cares for the community steps down and retire.. It's been a ride man and wherever you go, I wish you the best of luck.. you will be missed within this community

Jammer dat het zo gelopen is, maar op een bepaald punt houdt het een keer op.. Ik ben het eens met jouw uitspraak en ja, er zijn altijd mensen in hogere posities die denken dat ze heel wat zijn, maar uiteindelijk niks betekenen. Ze hebben hiermee wel een goed iemand op een goede positie verloren

Het gaat je goed man!


Even bone agrees with most of the community on how things are changing, my pleasure to have had you in the community, Mister Weed Man, Farewell @Bone


Laat ze toch lekker allemaal de pleuris krijgen @Bone Bedankt voor de afgelopen tijd en je inspanning voor deze community. Doe rustig aan en hopelijk zien we je nog eens weer.


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