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TXN ID: 540270286R4246151

Donation Amount: 40.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle 1 : Stratum
Vehicle 2 : Admiral
Vehicle 3 : Damaged Glendale
Vehicle 4 : Maverick

( All Vehicles in colour 5D5163 )

Specify any upgrades:: V8 and AWD on vehicle 1-3

Location : Generation X base

Username : Will be decided ingame


@Hakar2001 Yes, but you still need to include your OWN username ingame though so we can lock the vehicle to you, and you can use /dvm command ingame to add 3 more people to your vehicles.

And you can only place an aircraft at airports or official organization bases, therefore you will have to pick another spot for the Maverick.


Admiral, Stratum & Damaged Glendale placed at X base, locked to 'hakar2001'
Maverick placed at LV Airport, locked to 'hakar2001'
Money (4m) rewarded.
'hakar2001' added to donator group both ingame and on forums.

Thanks for donating!

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