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Free hospital for cops who die at duty.


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Alright, with all the pro-criminal suggestions going around let's get a buff for cops.
My suggestion is offering cops who died at duty to have free respawn at hospital.
Why, because why not. Where do you see a cop pay for his wounds from his own pocket while injured at duty?

15 answers to this question

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Is 500 really that much you cant affoard?
Simply i will be on the NO because the price is already pretty decent and fair and would just another money drain yeeted (ik its not much but do the math of 50 times a day per cop and a avarage of 30 cops and the costs starts to add up)

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@Rzz0 With the increase in criminal numbers there is an increase in difficulty of arrest. Having said that, your car is almost guaranteed to explode as crims usually travel in groups and if it's a personal car that is blown up that is 5k worth of money, furthermore, there is no guarantee you are going to arrest someone. All cops love chasing crims for 5 minutes and then die and have their car blown up. And what does a crim lose in this situation? Nothing except time spent escaping. Now you want to lose even less. Think about'.

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crims buffed but cops cant even use their tazer whats op af. As Rzz0 told, we need to repair our cars, buy drugs and guns at Turf war. Im sure that crims wasting more money to spawn at hosp while turf wars than cops at sr,br,jb or just chasing the crims

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The criminal suggestion of spawn cooldown in properties have also pointed out buffs for cops (such as bank robbery gates taking a longer time opening up) and the jail one has a money drain feature to combat inflation.

While 500$ doesn't really affect anything, it doesn't also enchance gameplay by anyway. A better feature for cops could be something along adding a backdoor into bank robbery interior, which can be cracked by cops to get into second room of the bank robbery. From my perspective, this would force criminals to hold the two angle corridor, instead of the gap (criminals, would appriciate input here on how that would work. I think it would be great with the propery spawn cooldown)

I think gameplay wise or balance wise when chasing criminals normally, it's pretty balanced. Br/Shop robberies are another thing (9 years of playing as a cop, not that active these days but back in the day we didn't have taser nor rubber shorgun)What cops mainly need is another job to do. I have already suggested using current shop robbery script but alternating a bit into a cartel drug bust, where cops would be paid for defending area each minute while criminals would be paid for killing cops within the area.

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@Dice said in Free hospital for cops who die at duty.:

@Rzz0 With the increase in criminal numbers there is an increase in difficulty of arrest. Having said that, your car is almost guaranteed to explode as crims usually travel in groups and if it's a personal car that is blown up that is 5k worth of money, furthermore, there is no guarantee you are going to arrest someone. All cops love chasing crims for 5 minutes and then die and have their car blown up. And what does a crim lose in this situation? Nothing except time spent escaping. Now you want to lose even less. Think about'.

So, according to you, cops never drive around in groups? Useless suggestion with unconvincing facts.

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Economy is fucked, there's people who has shitload of cash, they doesn't even spend that, so definitely a NO from me.

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comepletly out of topic but this https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13621/making-vip-more-fun/23
smiler to your idea, but would like both ideas, just if one of it happens

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So this suggestion is getting rejected because of ridiculous nonsense
Keep future suggestions on point and somewhat reflective ingame meaning if you suggest something for Cops then also look in how you can balance it out for Criminals and vice versa if you suggest for criminals.

Keep suggestions fair for both when it comes to these.

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