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Less jail time for inactive players


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Some of us spend less than 50 hours a month in the server. as criminals the jail time is quite inconveinent, i understand that it is roleplay but as an inactive player i'd like to just jump in the game and play drive around, do some crimes and what not.

Would it be possible for players who play less than 50 hours a month get half the jail time or such? or maybe if u log out for over 12 hours the jail time goes off?

honestly the jail time is a huge turn off from playing mta especially when u log in once twice a week :(

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@Bunny said in Less jail time for inactive players:

Make this a cash drain.

Make crims be able to pay some cash to have jail time lowered (50k = 30-50% jail time?). AFK gameplay isn't that fun, and 6 minutes is a lo g time to wait in a room

bunny what you're saying will benefit rich players... new players will get full jail time and old players get less jail time? that's not fair on the new players/accounts.

also bunny this is a old ass server and money has been aquired over years of playing. a cash drain isn't the solution and will most likley make poor players quit (i already spending like 100k a day on changing my car colors :))

edit: bunny their is many games out their that have become pay to win, this isn't exactly pay to win but it is very similar in that u need to keep making money to enjoy the game... not good idea to make more cash drains then the server already has :(

@VayraN said in Less jail time for inactive players:

Lol just don't get stars and you will not stay 6 minutes at jail, None is forcing you to rob and get stars, As some players says, Don't do the crime, You won't do the time.

bro if u can read i explained my reasoning very clearly. when we played back in 2012 jail time was fine because the server was different back then and i guess we was younger and had bigger playerbase.
Now blips are hidden, shift run spam is disabled, new jb, alcatraz, and all sorts of changes. whats the point of having a % of the players in jail doing nothing? why not release them so they can carry on playing after 120 seconds?? cops can arrest them again if they commit more crimes and crims can carry on playing...

if u want to go afk go fucking afk dont force players to go afk by jail!!

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@Garcia1999 said in Less jail time for inactive players:

how about,
reducing the jail time for cops,civilians and none official criminals.

  • 30% for cops

  • 20% for civilians

  • 10% for none official criminals

or as bunny said when cops arrest you a table show up saying : Do you accept to pay for reducing the jail time ( make it 15% reduce for 50k )

its really make sense to be honest.

bro i think many official crims are also inactive, like myself..

I open mta to play saes rpg.
I do not open mta to watch youtube video or movie or go smoke break.
I am big boy and when I want to go toilet, eat, smoke, movie, or anything that isn't mta i close mta and do it.. i don't see point in watching youtube video for 6 minute when I want to be playing the game..

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