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TXN ID: 0PV35512AX105534Y

Donation Amount: 50

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: Burrito
Vehicle Colour: #700000
Specify any upgrades: Rebels customs shader added.
Usernames to lock: ferthistheking17
Where you want it placed: https://imgur.com/a/S8uHNBS
Please park it like on the ss and please add the burrito with lights on the roof and bullbar.

Vehicle Type: Burrito
Vehicle Colour: #700000
Specify any upgrades: Rebels customs shader added.
Usernames to lock: ferthistheking17
Where you want it placed:
Please park it like on the ss and please add the burrito with lights on the roof and bullbar.

Vehicle Type: Yosemite
Vehicle Colour: #700000
Specify any upgrades:
Usernames to lock: ferthistheking17
Where you want it placed:
Please park it exactly like on the ss

Vehicle Type: Flatbed
Vehicle Colour: #700000
Specify any upgrades:
Usernames to lock: ferthistheking17
Where you want it placed:
Please park it exactly like on the ss

And ofc 10m ingame.

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.

Last donation this year xD

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!


Burrito placed outside MMC base and the bar in Ganton with RebelsKustoms shader.

Yosemite placed at the lil probe inn, as well as a flatbed.

Yosemite not placed as requested as you had it half on the road and looking thrown there instead of placed.

Money still to be rewarded

  • Scorpyo changed the title to Donation Ferthis (Amount 50.00 GBP)
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