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[Suggestion] /sell cooldown



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So, not too long ago the cop side received a cooldown on their /offerbribe, /barrier & /deploystinger command. This was put in place to prevent abuse of people using to stand up at a quicker pace.

I think this change is absolutely stupid, as it causes so much time-wasting when trying to bribe your colleagues (especially with all the trainees, cough Five-0 cough arrest cops.

However, with this put into place, I also feel it is justified setting a cooldown of 3 seconds to the /sell option that the criminals have.

I do not see a reason to why this should not be done.

Let me know what you think.

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Just remove the cooldowns and punish those who abuse it, or shorten the cooldown to 1 second and implement it for both /sell & /offerbribe, and other commands because 3 seconds is a bit pain in the ass.

Oh and it's within the duty of Five-0 to deal with corruption as well Howlze, it's our pleasure to bring your ass to the jail!

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