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Trucker job and F1 'jobs section'



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I've read info in jobs section about trucker job, that he can refuel the refinery for Fuel Trucker if trucker has 500 or more missions completed.
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Location - South East Last Venturas spot for truckers.
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Trucker who has >500 missions can come there and see additional tab 'Crude' and refuel refinery.
I came there and i've seen no such option (i have >500 trucker missions).
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Please fix it.

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There 2 gas stations recently opened in Las Venturas - across the street of Fire Department
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and station inside of Racetech base (to the south of previous mentioned)
They have no ability to be refueled (by fuel trucker at least). Can someone refuel it? Could be mapped for fuel trucker to refuel it?

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